Ok, so heres my thoughts. 3rd party support for Nintendo is horrible!! Is has been since N64 days. My only reason for purchasing nintendo is for the 1st party games.
And this is the case for many gamers from what I have heard. To be frank I worry for Ninty, 3rd Party's this Gen has really sucked big time. Maybe the worst its ever been for them. And i am not talking sales, but quality. Where are the big multi plats? (SF4, Bioshock, AC, MWF2 etc etc.) Where is our AAAE 3rd party games?
So, does Nintendo have to adrress this seriously. Like build more 1st party studios? We seriously need more f-zero, starfox, donkey kong, pikmin, kirby... hell i will even take a ice climbers game.
the lack of Nintendo IP's this gen is dissappointing.
just my two cents.
Rant over
Agreed 100%. I could care less about most 3rd party games. I only buy nintendo systems so I can play mario, zelda etc. Starfox and f-zero should have been released a long time ago.
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