I won't judge this before at least giving it a chance.
But it seems as though the gaming industry is loosing sight of what their purpose is - entertainment. Hiding behind the word "art" and claiming all your fans are "too stupid to possibly comprehend this on your level" - is an arrogant attitude for any professional entertainer.
As a professional entertainer - I constantly sacrifice my preferences for the sake of fans. I can't tell you how many times I've performed songs I hated - and yet forced myself to invest the time and rehearsals to perform them well.
Entertainment is not doing what you like and getting paid a lot of money. It's focused on personal sacrifice with the goal of bringing your audience happiness.
Without our fans...what are we? What is an king with no subjects? Both are useless.
I agree with you 100%. Games are not reality. Trying to emulate life perfectly in a game would be pointless. I don't know about you - but I play games to escape reality for a bit.
Apparently this is a mission in AC3. It looks a little confusing since he's not in the standard assassin outfit. They have mentioned disguise use in AC3 - so this could be a part of that.
No specifics on how boats work into the storyline - but they did say they cut off the preview before boarding to avoid revealing too much. They will probably keep that under wraps until release.
You are narrowing your view to "everyone" likes pop. There are musicians who specialize in rap, country, jazz, etc. I've met many musicians who live their lives bitter because "they were right - and everyone else was wrong".
Don't you see relying on your fans can give you a depth of understanding to improve your craft? Instead of stubbornly saying - "you can't comprehend this on MY level - I'M superior to all of you".
Artists who are in love with themselves don't create true art. They stagnate in a sea of their own arrogance.
And every artist or musician must remember one thing: The only reason we survive is because of our fans supporting us. If you bite the hand that feeds you - what does that make you?
I disagree. As a musician - I can't perform only what I like and expect to get paid. I have to take my target audience into consideration.
If I experience a harsh critique - justly or unjustly - I examine my own mindset first. Did I put my goals ahead of the overall performance? Did I sacrifice excellence for my own pride?
As an entertainer - my priority is to please others. I have to sacrifice my own tastes and preferences on some occasions. But accusing your fans or consumers and telling them they are too "dumb" to appreciate your art is a selfish viewpoint I think any professional entertainer should be ashamed of.
My number one mod rule is to make gameplay functions better/easier. For example, the popular inventory mod. I have a couple select armor mods that fit lore, but changing the game too much ruins the experience. In addition, when I get on an excessive modding trip - I realize I spent a whole day reading compatability notes when I could have been playing the game. I had to draw the line somewhere just to save time!
MMO? There are people who still like single player. Of course...with single player there is no monthly fee. Which explains why companies keep flooding the market with them.
musicallie44's comments