@kainjacob Type "Skyrim UESP" into google search. That is the ultimate wiki site for every quest (and quest bug) in Skyrim. I won't lie - there are a lot of bugs. I've got tons of stuck quests in my journal that won't go away. But sometimes you can find a workaround on UESP. I've stopped playing for now until some patches to fix quests come out.
@CEMETARY_GATESx: LOL! Not being able to change clothes makes the game more unrealistic? I was struck by how realistic that made the gameplay. Each character has agreed to help you in your missions - that doesn't mean they should give up their free will or personal fashion sense. The dungeons were repetitive...but designing a new dungeon for every single mission would probably make the game cost $10 more. So I understand the limits of their funding here.
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