I hope inFamous ends up selling more than Killzone 2 as I found inFamous to be the superior game. I hope the trend of FPS games dominating the sales eventually wears thin.
One of the following............- Little Big Planet- Street Fighter 4- Fallout 3- GTA4Ipik_FenrisI'd go for Fallout 3. You'll find yourself playing that game for quite some time.
I'd personally prefer it if the next GTA was set in San Andreas. I'd love to see how it looks on the PS3.
Urgh still can't decide: UFC or inFAMOUS UFC: Online, looks fun, career etcetc InFAMOUS: Good storyline, fun, dangg choices choicesjasopanRent both out if you can. I'd personally go for inFamous, granted I've never played UFC.
I didn't play the previous games before MGS4 and the story wasn't all that hard to follow. The Database certainly did help though.
Other than Valk. Prof. what are some great RPGs? This generation has been lacking in that department. I miss the PSone days.lowkey254I've heard Disgaea 3 is pretty good, you might want to check that out.
I didn't find the graphics to be that bad. I've certainly seen better but they were hardly game-ruining. I still found it to be quite enjoyable.
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