I really wasn't expecting much from Infamous but after playing the demo I was impressed. I don't think I've been so entertained by any demo on PSN before! Now this is a must buy for me!OdrecI felt the same way. My only problem lies with Cole grabbing everything which comes close to him and it's not neccesarily the object you intended Cole to get a hold of. Granted I only found this to occur on few occasions and other than that the demo was great.
mutual-assassin's forum posts
I found the demo to be very enjoyable. It'll be even better when one can make use of all of Cole's powers and to see how the story unfolds too. The demo didn't really give many details on the storyline. I'm certainly buying this one.
My 40GB model stopped playing Blu-Ray discs recently. It's being repaired now but it's the only major problem I've had with my PS3.
I found Wipeout HD's trophies to be relatively easy to get. I've also heard that Prince of Persia's trophies are pretty easy too.
Should i get Bournout ( from the psn store) or just save the money for prototype? i loved the bournout demo, but i also havent finish wipe out HD, what should i do!?Solid_TangoIf you really can only get a single game then I'd go for Burnout since it's proven to be a great game. However I highlyrecommendyou get both.
I found Warhawk to be a great multiplayer experience so I too would recommend it. Or you could use a fighting game like Soul Calibur 4 though not everyone would get to play at the sametime.What's a good multiplayer game? I'm planning on having some buddies over and I don't have many multiplayer games. I have LBP, COD4, CODWAW, and GHWT.
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