Crisis Core has some of the best cut scenes you're likely to find on the PSP. The story is engaging too. If I had to pick one, Crisis Core would be my pick of the games available for the PSP.
40gb is far to small you'll be deleting game data A LOT to make room for new ones, and PSN titles take space some up to 9gb's i.e. siren. I couldn't even fit all the PSN and PS1 classics I have on a 40gb, just to small
Over the next few years, yes you will be required to delete a considerable amount of data on the 40GB HDD. It was something I was considering doing, though it just seems far too impractical. With that said I found that I could have a considerable amount of games on my 40GB before having to delete anything.
I have 14 games and a few add-ons on my 40 GB hard drive and I still have a little space left over, though probably not enough for another game. You can always buy a larger HDD if you so desire, something I'm currently looking into.
I've had a PS3 in my possession since December '07. I've never encountered any problems with it so far aside from it freezing on rareoccasions. You really shouldn't find any trouble with your PS3 as long as you keep it in a well ventilated area. Oh and it's a good idea to keep it clean, not just in order to make it look nicer.
I'm considering getting either Bioshock or Little Big Planet. Two very different games I know, but I can only choose one. Your advice on which to get would be appreciated.
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