I've pretty much shown my hate towards bungie and what they have done with Halo. To be specific, the formula hasn't evolved enough. Halo 3 is more Halo 2 in HD, than anything else. (Gameplay-wise).
Halo 1 i still consider the best. These are the things i would like to see.
1) A revival System ( to lengthen the game and keep things more intense)
2) being able to switch to your left hand to hold a weapon (to peak around corners and be less visable from both sides)
3) Headshots (being able to blow your enemies HEAD OFF)
4) Shields (Chief can use a jackal shield to protect himself for a short time)
5) Breakable enviroments
6) Heavy Stun Melee feature (temporary stun an enemy to give a short window of advantage, done by charging a button (think SF4)
7) Armor damage (if taking heavy fire armor shows damage. Halo 3 was suppose to have this, what happen bungie?)
8) Hand to Hand combat (being able to use both hands to fight your oponent giving a more sense of realism, rather then just meleeing the enemy to death)
9) Run button (lets admit halo is a slow game, being able to fight or flee is much more interesting, expecially if you're out numberd)
10) Survial game mode ( 5 Spartans against wave of elites/jackals/brutes/grunts, etc)
11) Smoke grenades
12) Quick turn around button.
13) Female Spartan (great for the chicks and well just something different)
14) Enviroments traps and advantages (have levels that can be used to your advantage, death traps, etc.)
15) Dash move (cheif can do quick side dashes to avoid fire, come on..this is the future, chief should be able to have a high mobile suit)
Thats it, might seem a lot but once put together it isn't much. Halo is a great concept and much can be done to keep things fresh, while keeping the core gameplay intact. Halo 3 ODST should be interesting since there're great influences out there now.
Basically what i am saying, is giving the player more options to beat your enemy, to lengthen the experience and just keep things unpredictable. with halo 3 its just run shoot melee and repeat. NO, OMG moments.
Thank you and feel free to add some suggestions and your own additions.
BTW, try and read more than just my sig...when replying.
I guess some of those ideas are ok. Despite the fact that Halo 4 will never be made, I guess I will entertain this thread.
- A revival system ... not sure what this means. Explain?
- Left hand switch - stupid. You can eliminate the need for this by adding a cover system that allows you to "cling" to vertical surfaces.
- Headshots - confetti isn't good enough for you?
- You HAVE a shield, always. This is the thing that recharges after you get hit.
- Breakable environments - yawn ... for what?
- Heavy stun melee - because killing something in one - three hits just isn't quick enough.
- Armor damage - would have been nice. Bungie prolly had to cut it due to space issues or dev time.
- Hand to hand - stupid.
- Run button - ok, but first lets elminate ALL the vehicles, that way it's justified.
- Survival - actually a good idea. Every shooter needs a survival mode.
- Smoke grenades - the bubble shield is way cooler and serves almost the same purpose.
- Quick turn around button - maybe, like RE5 down+[button]. Add some diff fighting sequences.
- Female spartan - you mean in campaign right? Because you can be a girl in multi. Do you even care that the campaign has a story with a dude spartan named Master Chief? How are you going to get around this.
- Environmental traps, ect. - would detract from the pure shooter mechanics and maybe add an unnecessary "stealth" feature. Basically would slow the fast-paced multi gameplay.
- Dash - eh.
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