You have to restart. Even if you reload a previous save. New game, new save file. TURN OFF Vita-Chambers in the Options. Good luck getting your Brass Balls! It was tough but rewarding
my_mortal_coil's forum posts
Is there anyway to get my XBOX 360 hooked up to Live by my router? The router is 20 (very rough estimate) feet away from the XBOX 360. I just recieved my system some months ago and I decided to join the hype. Thank you to anyone to responds.
P.S, I do not want to pay 100 dollars for the Microsoft router.
ALSO, the router is a Verizon Actiontec (GT704WG)ReaperDevil2000
Don't mixed up the terms ROUTER and ADAPTER. You say you don't want the Microsoft router, I am assuming you mean WIRELESS NETWORK ADAPTER, because MS doesn't make a router.
You don't specify if you want a wireless connection with your router or a wired one. If your impartial then pick based off of the pros and cons:
Wireless Pros
- No wires.
- You look cool to visitors who notice your setup.
- Mobility - not sure if this counts with a console. Awesome with a laptop though.
Wireless Cons
- Harder to setup (My exp is only for PCs, no idea how hard/easy the Box would be).
- Not as fast as a wired setup.
- Not as reliable as a wired setup over distances, walls, floors (though 20ft is not a concern).
Wired Pros
- Fastest way to game.
- Easy, just plug it in and hit Auto-Detect.
- Can connect devices through floors and thick walls and over long distances.
Wired Cons:
- Wires.
- You can trip.
- Your "tethered" (see Con #1).
My stretched ears (0 gauge and growing). My scars, across my left knuckle (golf ball accident - long story), on the outside of my right knee (aquarium/basketballaccident - long story), and on my left nostril (cat ... I think :? ). My nasty-ass man toes and a mole, in, ahem, a certain place.
I very much enjoy their music. It's just annoying that I get loads and loads of **** for it from people who've never even listened to them.
Same here. People just listen to their singles and automatically judge them withouth listening to their albums, which have way better songs than what's played on the radio.
Hell, I'm lucky if they actually listened to the singles. It's surprising how many people still ride on that dumb ****ing joke from that Steve Carrell film, The 40-Year-Old Virgin.
You know how I know you are ... smart? You defend Coldplay and dislike 40-year-old Virgin jokes ... :)
they are only 10$ whats the big deal?
Multiply that by the number of people that DL'ed each map pack. It adds up. Yes, Bungie has a right to recoup AND profit. It's in poor taste, however, to pricegouge, which I am sure is what is happening. I don't care if it's MS or Bungie, it's not right.
well this is a commedy thread so whatever. *power buttin pushed* *vrmmmmvrooovroooooooom *getting as loud as a chevy chevelle* *revving sound as the xbox logo apears* *red ring of death begins and ends and gears of war 2 starts up* *WAAAAAAAAAHHHH VROOOOM VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM *STRANGE SOUND LIKE A BACKFIRE* *ITS A GIANT WORM A GIANT *inadible due to the xbox revving so loudly* well now its a rant so please microsoft put a carborator on that thing. i know they cant hear me but im pissed as they sent me an xbox that apperently has a hemi engine in there since my original one busted which was from 2007...jeremy78940
Maybe they turbo-charged it .. ;)
This and I got Too Human for about the same price.[QUOTE="Joss09"]
Mass effect for 8 dollars at eb games :lol:
Too Human is a waste of money @ any price .... IMHO, of course ;)
I got Ninety-Nine Nights @ my local game shoppe for $12 US. Def. a niche game but fun (think afunner version of Dynasty Warriors).
I don't even bother with Halo 3 anymore. The DLC wasa little tryingthe first time, annoying the second and unacceptable the third. I bought the first two butstopped playingshortly into BOTH DLC spurts because of cheating, bad sportsmanship and repetition.I say let everyone else give Bungie the money they DESERVE for the effort and quality of maps, but just wait until Mythic becomes free. That way you can continue your H3 frag fest. I might get back to it eventually, but only for points.
[QUOTE="my_mortal_coil"]The current law does not allow an 8 month old abortion unless the mothers life is directly threatened. The first trimester (three months) is what is legal.I wish Pro-Life wasn'tequivalent with angry, narrow-minded and bigoted, but, sadly, in general it is. On the flip-side of that coin there is clueless, overly altruistic and equally bigoted Pro-Choicers. There is always a middle ground. We shouldn't be aborting 8 month old fetuses but we should also give women the right of choice.
I meant it rhetorically to convey the concept of being tempered, open-mind and fair on BOTH sides of the fence. If given their druthers either extremist group would have abortion fully legal (meaning no restrictions or stipulations so that abortions become rampant and arbitrary)or fully illegal (a sad situation which would force women to have backalley or non-professional abortions with horrible medical consequences). There is obviously a center to the issue, a reasonable compromise.
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