It depends on what kind of content it is. If it's artst or has a powerful story driving it, then it should be left alone. We tend to ruin things like that. Stuff like The Office is ok to convert because humor is often culturally dependant, or sometimes the idioms one culture uses has no meaning in another (like to say someone is "Pushing Up Daises"). And stuff, like American or [insert country here] Idol needs to be converted, or no one will watch it.
[spoiler] Juuuuuusst KIDDING!!! I would be angry, though. If they waited to tell me after they found out it's like not caring if your GF/BF gets bit by a Rattler, not cool. [/spoiler]
The oil floats right? So it's only surface animals that get sludged. I would say yes than, esp. in light of those findings. After all, it's "natural" oil. Unrefined I mean, so it should bio-degrade quicker than refined.
Give me some bottom dwellers (many many of the things we eat live on or near the bottom of shallow waters) and I will eat them and savor it.
He's taken it upon himself to save the world in his old age.
He was well received when he returned to the National Assembly of Cuba and delivered a speech, focused solely on international matters.
He claims the U.S will invade Iran and North Korea and spark Nuclear War. Castro went on to say it was imperative to persuade Obama otherwise.
Do you think the U.S will invade Iran or North Korea? Is Castro batty in his age or wisening up?
I believe we should practice more laissez-faire policy than we do. We stick our nose in international/sovereign country's affairs way too often. I think there is a real chance that we could bite off more than we can chew. Vietnam and Iraq are perfect examples, and they didn't even own nukes ...
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