the moon have no atmosphere right ?? we see in this picture the man on the moon , and the universe around him , my question is , where are all the stars !!??? isnt the universe full of them , in this picture , non of them is visible , why ??
thats my question.
Because they didn't spend millions of dollars to go to the ****ing moon, just to take pictures of the stars. You can see the same stars here on Earth, so how does what you're saying make a lick of sense?
The pictures weren't exposed for the stars, because then all you'd see is stars. The foreground, the part that MATTERS, would just be a big white blob because it was OVEREXPOSED. Then you'd have people looking at the pictures and saying "that doesn't look like men on the moon. That just looks like a big white blob in front of a lot of stars."
Or to put it this way, try it yourself. Go outside on a dark night. Make sure that the sky is clear, and that you can see the stars. Now turn on the floodlights on your porch, take a picture of your buddies drinking beer under the floodlight. Now look at the picture, and tell me if the stars show up in the freaking picture.
I'm not asking you to take my word on this. Everyone has a camera these days. So you can try it out for yourself, and you'll see that I'm right. You don't see stars because the footage wasn't exposed for the stars. It wasn't exposed for the stars, because no one cared about the stars. This was the pride of a nation. No one wanted to turn on the TV and see ****ing STARS, they wanted to turn on the TV and see a men on the freaking MOON.
Ahem, Mr Geez. I think he meant that without an atmosphere, the stars should be a lot brighter, and should have shown up in that exposure. I can agree with that. I am an amatuer photographer, and I know everything you said about the porch pic is right, but it makes sense that you should see SOMETHING, even if it's faint. And we don't know the exposure settings of the pic in question, now do we? What if it was taken at 1/60 @ F4 as opposed to 1/120 @ F8?
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