Since it's all controlled by Microsoft, they're focused on the maximum amount of profit they can garner, obviously. And, to be honest, the price on much of the DLC is quite cheap, provided you have a half-decent income.
And don't live on your own paying bills that are WAYYY more important than XBLA or DLC.
And your not a kid working a part-time minimum wage job (or not working period).
It CAN be expensive, especially over time, adding it all up.
There was a topic about just that and people admitted spending HUNDREDS of dollars inXBL Marketplace.
If you can't afford the occasional DLC-fee then you really shouldn't be buying the sixty dollar 360 game in the first place. If you're a child, then you must rely on the generosity of your parents, obviously, and that's not Microsoft's fault. Over time, yes, it does add up, depending on how often you make purchases over XBL, but that's just basic economics.
I think "Duh" comes to mind. If you can't afford something you shouldn't buy it, and that includes financing something. That's not what I was saying. I never said it was Microsoft's fault that kids might not have an income, but doesn't Microsft want their money as well? Wouldn't making some of their content more accessable to more people be a smart business decision? I think they would make MORE money (hence the Wal-Mart analogy).
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