Mine would have to be Halo 3 with the release of the Mythic Map Pack got me reinterested...
Somehow I wasn't that happy with the "childish" style Halo 3 has....
but back to your question: right now my favourite game is Devil May Cry 4.
The story and cutscenes alone are worth it and would be good material for a Anime. It's like playing an action Anime movie with absolutely over-the-top moves and enough style for 2 games. The way you move and fight in this game is something I'd like to see in a Final Fantasy game. I mean, the FF movies are packed with top-notch action but the games are all about round-bases RPG fights which are quite boring compared to the movie-action.....use the fighting from Devil May Cry, bring in some motorbikes and other vehicles and you'd have a perfect Final Fantasy game.
But apart from that: Devil May Cry is a must for every player who likes action.
What's childish abou the style of Halo 3? The Mature ERSB rating?Is it the fact that you can't dismember? It's still a war game about killing people and aliens ...
And if you took Final Fantasy and added DMC style fighting, motorbikes, ect. you wouldn't have a Final Fantasy game; you would have a Devil May Cry game.
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