I don't think there's anyway to turn them on and off. You could go super old school and try completely disconnecting your 360 from any power source and see if that resets it. I mean, it's a long shot, but it's a long shot that takes 30 seconds. There aren't any options to turn Achievement notifications on or off.
Somehow it seems to me that a girlfriend is quite a bit more important than a video game, plus she can walk away a lot quicker than a box, so you may want to think about playing nice and keeping the volume down.
Not that I need to justify anything to a condescending stanger but I like EVERYTHING at a nice higher-than-normal volume. This includes music, tv and movies. That probably will not change except for the worse as I start to lose my hearing at old age. If she decides to leave me over that then I think we have more fundamental relationship problems, pal.
Thanks for the two-bit advice though ... you can have your change back.
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