ok jw who else got a message from nintendo4ever. he seriously just messaged me a paragraph saying y the wii is better when I DIDNT SAY IT WASNTjesus i dont think ive ever cussed someone out so much online b4 than i did in the response.
I highly doubt anybody will care if TH flops or not, it always seems to be the lemmings claiming ownage when something happens.ChrnoTriggeri actually had really high hopes for this game but the more i saw of it i sorta knew it wouldnt be aaa. i dont really care anymore.
Review yep looks legit, i went ahead and did the honor of linking this for you since you failed at itSacifchillout
Its the highest rated xbla game on ign rite now and it really does look amazing. ill be checkin this one out. anyone else gettin it?
too human is the next assassins creed. a ton of great reviews and a ton of bad ones. i also expect it to get around the same metascore.
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