nahmean187's forum posts
One was an 8.5 by oxm and the other was an 80. i forgot who wrote the second but oxm said it was incredibly satisfying and the other said it was really fun. iono i saw them both on metacritic.. anyway this looks like its gonna be the first great 360 exclusive. anyone getting it?
[QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]If Too Human can flop, than any game is open for flopping.blitzkid1
Except too human got destroyed because of it hideous flaws, Banjo doesnt look like itll get a 5.5.
yea it looked like too human was gonna flop months b4 it came out. banjo could still flop but i see it getting good scores.
[QUOTE="nahmean187"]for everyone whos saying this is 360s lair, it isnt.
y? cuz 360 owners arent emotionally attacthed to video games like ps3 owners are to the point where they actually feel pain when a game gets a bad score. it really seemed like ps3 owners were hurt when haze, lair got bad scores. too human isnt that big of a letdown.
I felt fine, I laughed my a** off. I knew Haze was gonna be trash and as far as Lair goes....when a game scores that low you can't do anything but laugh at it.
yea but imean u own a 360 too. i was kinda talking about those hard core ps3 fanboys. u know, the ones that cried tears of joy when mgs4 got a 10 and broke their comps when they found out ff13 was goin to the 360
for everyone whos saying this is 360s lair, it isnt.
y? cuz 360 owners arent emotionally attacthed to video games like ps3 owners are to the point where they actually feel pain when a game gets a bad score. it really seemed like ps3 owners were hurt when haze, lair got bad scores. too human isnt that big of a letdown.
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