im picking gears of war 2 cuz it seems like the only sure thing. resistance 1 got mediocre reviews and killzone was a flop. they both look great right now, but we wont know til they come out.
this is sad. and its worse that ppl are makin fun of this. i mean is it kinda funny at first? yea.. but every 11 year old plays around. its unfortunate that the parents actually let him have a real gun...
ppl use sales bc theyre too stupid to actually come up w/ a legit arguement. the funny thing is that the same ppl who use sales to argue consoles, ignore sales when it comes to games. "ps3 is better cuz its outselling 360, resistence is better than halo"
gamespot should just stop writing reviews. the mercs 2 review was just horrible. gamespots also really inconsistent. they give hallboy and ut360 two months b4 the review but are quick to just slam down mercs2 and too human the first chance they get.
my problem w/ the gamespot too human review is that they rushed it and it didnt seem like they gave it a chance. they released the review the day it came out its like they played 5 minutes, didnt like it and wrote the review. it also doesnt help when they release they hellboy and ut3 reviews two months after the release date. makes u think they spent more time w/ those games.
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