nahmean187's forum posts
All i gotta say is that i love it when ppl say "wii is better cuz of sales but halo sucks" or something like that. halo is the best selling game of this gen. if ur gonna say a console is better than another cuz of sales, then do the same w/ games.
[QUOTE="hopesfall2own"][QUOTE="CronoSquall"][QUOTE="dream431ca"]I don't need to squint. I got a great TV. Find me a game that isn't repetitive.
Doesn't exist, every game on earth is repititive. I hate when people use that line to put down a game, then go play something like Guitar Hero or Rockband without realizing their own hypocrisy.
All games are somewhat repetitive sure, but this? Tell me what else you do other than go from building to building while avoiding enemies, please tell me. There is repetitive, then there is dull. Most games may have repetitive side missions or quests or what not, but this entire game is built on 2 mechanics.Tell me what else do you do in Call of duty 4 other than shooting people in order to get from point A to point B.
take control of military aircrafts and do stealth missions? i see where ur trying to go w/ that comment but the last guy is just such a simple game. at lest in cod4 u can play against humans.
[QUOTE="Hungry_Homer111"][QUOTE="Zhengi"]So this is what people are hyping for the RPG King? :roll:
Seriously, the MS fanboys need to cut down on the hype for their console big time.
Tales of Vesperia = 8.5
And we don't even know what the game will score on here.
and didnt too human get a A rating on IGN ? :roll:
gamespot gave tov a 8.5. and have u played too human? i mean yea u mite have its just im seeing a ton of ppl ripping on the game like its the worse thing ever when it got AVERAGE reviews.
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