@cratecruncher @horizonwriter @nameaprice I was just tryin to troll some fans boys and you two come along and ruin everything with your well thought out responses ;)
wow, I mean WOW. You dont even KNOW what YOUR lawyers are putting into YOUR contacts!? You people either SUCK at running a company or your LIEING YOUR ASSES OFF
F*** YOU DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND TOTALLY F*** YOU LUCAS YOU MONEY GRUBBIN C*** F***ER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DESERVE TO BE CASTRATED FOR CRYSTAL SKULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@pddrumheller @nameaprice no i DISLIKED it because it WAS S***! oh im actually a dream and my dad's some evil beluga whale thingy! pure CRAP and unadulterated BOLLOCKS!!!
nameaprice's comments