@superhippy420 @nameaprice grate they have a "war chest". dosnt mean S*** when when you have no FUTURE prospects on the horizon, then guess what comes next? Investors, private and public, will start pulling their money out. be as pissed as you want with reality, but that dosnt make it any less true you whinny bitches
@EmperorSupreme @liampardoe Ive gotta rig and a ps1-4. i got an xbox 360 back in the day but sold it after the RROD happened and got my PS3 like i should have from the beginning. now ive just built another sick Mini ITX rig inside the EVGA Hadron case and its DOPE! like a XBone BUT WAY BETTER!!!
@bottaboomstick @TheExxorcist yea i hate when people rip on launch line ups, WHO CARES!? the good games WILL come for both systems, and to be honest have any of us really been that impressed with any launch lines up in the past?
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