@grbolivar @nameaprice yea and thats great and makes sense for us to use this efficient and cheap form of communication, but i think it removes some of the "humanity" of two or more people conversing. Trust me i LOVE games. play WAY too much sumtimes :P but i still get those periods where i have to be outside and away from anything "tech" and i just hope other people wanna do that too cause then you see how beautiful the world is then people care about and protect it, sorry not to get off on some peta rant or sumthing :)
@675T i never get that anyways? why wait in line pay top dollar and then probly get some red ring of death scenario? i ALWAYS wait for the first price drop, usually by then they have any bugs worked out.
ps when i say time for the real world i dont just mean like work and responsibilities, i mean experiencing real people and places not just "chat rooms with avatars" ie mmo games. its good to actually interact face to face, i think it helps with people to experience empathy more, among other things. and lastly just moving around and getting exercise for peets sake!
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