@Kevin-V @nameaprice i just mean that i dont think its a good idea for us to "bring gaming everywhere". I realize this is already happening and will become more common place, hell might even work because you can break up your gaming through out the day, but i just dont think its a good idea. why? cause i think alot of us ALREADY spend a good amount of time on our consoles/pc's at home as it is. if were bringing our games "with us into the real world" then when will we have time for the REAL world, ya know? i just feel kinda like how tom mcshea was saying a few months back on his pod cast about how game companies kinda pray on those people who over indulge in gaming. kinda feel like the protable gaming market is just like idk to much, like there pushing their product to be "used to much". does that make any sense or am i just a moron :P
yea thats right kevin, and all game devlopers for that matter, lets just play game everywhere all day every day! work what the hells that? sounds awful
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