@Revl8n BINGO! or to that effect cater to your core"mature & true cod fans (well once was) who know what it takes to make your game decent again.Think about it if iw&3arch knew what they were doing they wouldnt have to release a patch every month,still doesnt justify death threats over a videogame though.
@capper64 omg yes,like why add those if i have not downloaded the dlc?o right b/c you know its bothering me i didnt unlock those slap on cheevos so you know your wrenchin me to buy dlc....everything is such a scam with gaming nowadays lol
@wearelegion5000 funny thing is bro,in all honesty they see us(the ones that know what it takes to make that stale series good again)the whiny a-holes,and the 12 yr olds their golden gamers.Activision Logic.
I feel bad for the pc gamers i really do,but i dont feel bad for those that are so arrogant b/c they game on pc n have to remind console gamers(like anyone cares) play what system u want stop lookin down on people for playing what they wanna play..guaranteed if they make a pc version all the arrogant pc players will be walkin around with their heads n the clouds.
omg guys finally!! have u noticed when the opponent is down there arms finally arent to their side (same animations from thq for the past few years i hope theres alot more new animations this time around or just different variations in general) the downed animations were growin a bit stale in my opinion lol
cant w8 for this game!! also cant w8 for the instruction manual,you guys ready to get a nice beefy entertaining instruction manual? we haven't seen those in awhile with games these days,finally gonna have something i can read on the toilet just like old times,rockstar you rock!
nardhardy's comments