ppl can complain all they want and hate on the direction the series is goin,but while everyone is doing that ill be playing come october and enjoying every minute of it.
this will be awesome but i have to be honest,i am kinda tired of devs goin back to prequels after moving forward with a title like they did with batman aa and batman ac taking place right after aa, the PREQUEL should have been done 1st thats why its called a prequel. it just makes it kinda odd playing a prequel where there are so many improvements over the last game that was made,i think alot of us are happy to see the 1st encounter but at the same time im more eager to see what happens after the story of batman ac.
Sony come on just admit you trashed the idea because it was a bad idea, we want hard copies of our games downloading them only seriously? so if my system breaks then what, you'll actually have to create away to make it so those games can be backed up incase of system failure, save yourself to trouble and stick to the disc base consoles and look at the "success of the pspGO" All devs should know better than this not just sony.
nardhardy's comments