@ormgaard: It wasn't for the purposes of increasing investment, it was for the purposes of turning Americans against it, and creating division between Europe and the US, at Putin's bidding. The message was, “If you like this scam so much, you pay for it.” That's not how you get Americans OR Europeans to invest, and he knew it. And you see, he says the US funds NATO “singlehandedly”, and you bought it. Many people did. Without even questioning. It's not true at all. As a percentage of GDP, the US only spends about double that of France, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, and about 1.5x as much as the UK, France, Poland, and Greece.
Also Putin is not a moron. Not only did he successfully sow animosity between Europe and the US, not only did he manipulate the UK into leaving/weakening Europe (the GCHQ is all but certain he rolled the campaign), not only did he bring the US to the brink of civil war, not only did he get a sizeable chunk of Republicans to openly side with him over Biden, not only did he manage to navigate the whole of Russia under his totalitarian boot heel and change the constitution to make himself the first unlimited-term president in Russian history, but he also entered and won 5 wars since he took office. He's arguably the most dangerous man in the world. Don't mistake psychopathy for a measure of intellect.
And don't blame the Russians for “keeping him in power”. I assume you don't blame the North Koreans for keeping KJU in power.
@ormgaard: “Trumph he was the only one telling stupid europe to wake up and invest into NATO.”
I can only assume that's a joke.
So you're saying the way Trump voiced the value of NATO, was by relentlessly parroting it was a scam, a waste of money, useless, and generally trying to destroy it? The same guy who now says, Putin's invasion of Ukraine is “genius” and “wonderful” ?
Trump has never done a single good thing on purpose in his entire adult life. He's pure evil. As if the last 6 years haven't made that clear enough already, he's literally saying war is wonderful. He would be a caricature of a Nazi if he weren't so stupid.
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