@illegal_peanut: I'm also wondering how long the strange fascination with COD will last. It genuinely can't go on forever. It's not often a COD game sells as poorly as Vanguard did. It's also a much bigger seller on XBOX than it ever was on PlayStation. StarCraft, while good, I'm not sure how much that really bleeds into the console space. WoW also, doesn't seem to affect PlayStation that much.
As you said MS spent a lot on Rare and basically killed every inch of it. They have a generally terrible track record for acquisitions. They bought out Skype then just sat on it like they just wanted it to die.
@Omegatron_: “That will continue to be my argument no matter how you try to twist it.”
No one is trying to twist your argument.
You're saying you define a word in one way. I'm saying I (and arguably billions of others) define it in a different way. There's no real problem here. As long as you're not trying to force people to mean this or say that, then I doubt myself or frog have any quarrel with you.
@stickemup: You basically got it in one. If you want to call yourself, he/she/it/ze/zur/zit/bu/ba/bo/your majesty, that's totally cool with me, I more than tolerate your right to do that.
But the notion that a person can legally dictate the words another person must speak, I am and will always be relentlessly and passionately intolerant of.
And I don't accept the lie that people in the first category have no choice but to fall into the second category.
@Omegatron_: X and Y chromosomes are not human constructs either though. There's only a finite number of ways you can arrange the letters X and Y, and their arrangement, whatever it is, is the fact of the matter.
That fact is what many if not most people are referring to when they say, male/female/boy/girl. Most people use “gender” and “sex” interchangeably. And if you want to say, “Gender is not the same it's something else”, then OK, whatever new thing you think it is, people could be talking about that, OR they could be talking about sex. In fact they probably are since again, most people still use them the same. For example, if you have XX, I may refer to you as “she”. And you might say, “My gender reference is not she.” Then I might say, “OK but your sex reference is she.” And that would be a fact.
@Omegatron_: “[Gender is an absolute fact] is objectively and undeniably false.”
It's not though. I can't tell you how many times I've heard this lamentably misinformed line.
Saying “everyone is either clear cut male or female”, is objectively and undeniably false. Because there are people end up with both male and female, or neither. Depending on where the “X sperm” and “Y sperm” end up. That, is true.
However, how does that make male and female NOT REAL? Male. Female. Neither. Both. All based on hard science. All very real. All facts.
That's like saying, “Legs as an absolute fact, are objectively and undeniably false.” because some people only have one leg, and some people have no legs. 0 legs. 1 leg. 2 legs. Are these opinions too?
@illegal_peanut: I think it's worse than that. I think people are directly worshipping at the altar of money itself, but their ego latches on to the celebrity as a surrogate to protect them from facing the content of their own character and the depth of their own depravity. (it's often sexual lust instead of, or in addition to, money)
Liberals tend to praise celebrity openly because it allows them to feel like a good person without sacrificing or accomplishing anything. Conservatives tend to rail against celebrity because it helps justify their poverty and distracts from their own moral failings. Both being reliant on them, little as they know it.
Celebrity has been elevated to the position of the Greek-style pantheon: Our excuse to shirk responsibility in our lives.
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