@mogan: “I don’t think there are any massively significant problems.” “If you want to believe that, it’s your call.”
Oh, I want to believe you. But I don't. Not for one second. I don't believe you think the AI + terrible performance + bugs + awful netcode combined are not worth even mentioning. They ruined people's experience of the game, you understand? Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars were spent by people, who would probably not have bought the game if the reviewer had done his job honestly. It's a colossal breach of trust.
And to be clear: The reviewer is not stupid, OK? He was painfully aware of the huge problems the game had from the first few minutes.
I like the game. I liked the reviewer. I like seeing a video game with a black protagonist and antagonist for the first time ever, a la Black Panther. I'm an ethnic minority myself. I think black lives matter and I'm not shy about saying it. I left a comment on the GameSpot review happy about the score, and giving the reviewer the benefit of the doubt, a comment which is still there.
But when the people we trust, lie to us, for any reason, especially regarding matters of money, that is utterly unacceptable, regardless of whether he's on the political left like me or not. Honesty is the foundation of everything, and the GameSpot (and IGN) audiences were intentionally deceived, and I for one not going to be quiet about it simply because it's impossible to 100% prove.
@mogan:No, listen carefully: I didn't say “that he liked the game”.
I said, that he didn't see any significant problems with it. That he decided it was worthy of maximum possible score. That he didn't even think the AI present throughout almost every moment of the game, being borderline braindead, was even worth briefly mentioning. Or that he didn't even notice it at all.
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