It just sort of makes me gag. I totally understand Dan Hay's repulsion. It's hard to define what “art” is, but it's a lot easier to throw out a few definitions of what its not. And “a service” is definitely one of those.
“Games as a service” is to art what “sex as a service” is to making love.
@chaosemerald: Your argument is basically, “No one is actually a good person”, which is really nothing more than a tacit admission on your part, and, “Because I've found one way in which two groups of people hypothetically disagree, every way in which they do agree, is invalid”, which almost the definition of “looking for trouble”. Also the Quran specifically obliges Muslims to be respectful to other religions, in particular Christianity.
Basically you can keep being as terrible as you like, but when someone politely asks someone else to do something, and they oblige, and you still have a problem with it, you're the problem.
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