Fantastic game. I really appreciate the bravery of whoever decided to take it that direction, and whoever allowed that decision to go through. A hundred years from now the story of TLoU2 will still stand as something real and raw, when other generic crap has been long forgotten.
Shakespeare's King Lear ends with the deaths of both Cordelia and Lear, and critics did whatever the 17th-century equivalent of ripping the s*** out of it was. The got angry. They shouted and yelled. They complained. They boycotted. They review-bombed. They invented other reasons why it was bad. They said Shakespeare had lost it. Said he'd tainted all his previous work. They demanded he re-write it with a different ending. Not long after, Nahum Tate did exactly that, and gave it a happily-ever-after ending and audiences did everything they could to forget all about the original, and stuck to the fake, happy ending they preferred. It took nearly 150 years for audiences to finally be able to take the painful reality of it. They just weren't mature enough to handle the story not going the way they wanted.
I've never played any online game for more than a few hours that didn't have the words Counter-Strike or Quake in the name, so I don't know much about WoW, but I have friends who play WoW hardcore, and they mindlessly grind up a few levels, die, then start the mindless grind all over again. And they'll waste hundreds of hours like this. Never achieving anything, even in the game, never questionting what they're doing, never even really enjoying themselves. It's like they're in a trance or something. I seriously do not get it.
@bestdad94: There's a chemical in wine called resveratrol which is good for the heart, but it's more than cancelled out by the alcohol content. If you want that chemical in your blood just eat grapes, or an apple even.
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