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nash_latkje Blog

Gaming status

...just because I need to update my blog more often. And doing comments while playing makes things much more fun.

So I finally reached the end of the first DVD of the game. Still, I feel like I could've done a lot more. I'm currently playing at the Easy mode so I can pay more attention to the story. If the game is good enough for a second run, I'll go to the Normal mode and try to unlock some more achievements (because unlocking achievements has been something that makes me smile for a few instants).

I also need to make a couple of comments about the game system too.

...or maybe I should just finish the game first and then make a decent review for it. the one I should've had already written for Rock Band.

List of games I MUST finish

- Infinite Undiscovery
- Fable II
- Orange Box
- Resident Evil 5
- Suikoden Tierkreis
- Eternal Sonata
- Dead Rising
- The Last Remnant
- Final Fantasy IV
- Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts
- Star Ocean 1
- Final Fantasy Crisis Core
- Star Ocean 2
- Phoenix Wright: Justice for All
- Star Ocean 3
- Star Ocean 4

That is... IF no other "must play" game is released in the meanwhile. Heh.

Oh, man...

There are just TOO MANY GOOD GAMES. I'm not being able to focus in only one!!!

Resident Evil 5 has just been released, but I'm still addicted to Rock Band. And I haven't even got to HALF of Fable II. I barely began Infinite Undiscovery!

I feel sad. And happy at the same time. Buying the 360 has to be one of the best things I've ever done.

I'm bored

So today I spent most of my time playing Fable II. It is quite an interesting game and I just couldn't stop doing the side quests because earning money and buying shops it just too addictive. At first I thought about playing The Portal again, but I wasn't in the slightest mood of feeling dizzy.

Oh, I still ought... whoever reads my posts a Rock Band review. I would write one right now, but at the moment I feel more like reading/playing rather than writing. Oh well...

Hell yeah, expert. I cannot put my title in caps, how... silly.

FINALLY finished Rock Band in the Hard mode. FINALLY going to Expert and FINALLY confident enough to write a review!

I usually like to write reviews for games that I have just finished and that I'm going to remove from the Now Playing list, but in this case I'll make an exception. Rock Band is a game that has a REALLY long life. Which is great, by the way. Sure, yeah, I finished the Hard mode... with the guitar, but I'm still on Normal mode with the Drums. And there are still the Bass (which I'll have to play in Quick Mode. Too bad, Bass is cool too) and the Vocals. And I also have Rock Band 2.

I didn't really like Rock Band 2's systematic to go further in the game. I thought that it was actually a pretty good idea to keep a solo mode and a World Band Tour separate in the first game. The second one makes you play songs that, in my opinion, are REALLY boring. Honestly, the only ones that really appealed to me in RB2 were Panic Attack, Chop Suey, Master Exploder, Ace of Spades, Painkiller, Eye of the Tiger and Our Truth. All the other ones are too easy on the Normal mode and too hard on Hard mode, there does not seem to be a balance in the game, unlike in the first game. Or maybe it's just me.

Anyway... I'm looking forward to play in the Expert mode... FINALLY!!!

About the drums... I'm leaving them be for a while. Since I like in an apartment, whenever I play I feel like the whole building is shaking. I'll have to think on a way to make the ground softer so I can hit the drums to my heart's content.

...because I just love Achievements!

That's it. There is just too much to do in a single game. I've been playing Rock Band 1 and 2 for two months in a row and still didn't get sick of those games. The first edition of the game seems to be more challenging, but how can someone resist to the little 360 symbol saying you just unlocked an Achievement in Rock Band 2?

I believe I unlocked all songs in RB2, but I just can't stop playing like crazy.

With only one goal: to unlock achievements.

...hell, yeah. I just love this console. I just love those games.

I promise I'll write a review for RB1. Maybe as soon as I finish it on the Hard difficulty. But RB1 and 2 are games that are going to stay in my Now Playing list for quite a long time...

Farewell, Circuit City...

So, I heard this afternoon, while at the work, that Circuit City stores are closing. It may seem idiotic and stupid, but I feel REALLY sad about that. Not because I'm thinking of the people who'll lose their jobs (oh, actually I DO think about them and feel even more sad, because I had a great treatment whenever I went there to buy my things), but also because... I don't know, I feel attached to that place in some sort of way. That was the place where I bought my PSP and... I guess most of the people know that, since I don't have a girlfriend, boyfriend or whatsoever, that's why I get emotionally attached to stupid material things such as videogames. But Circuit City reminds me not only my PSP, but my first trip on my own.

The funny part is that only by seeing this happening I start to see how bad the crisis is.

C'mon, Obama... bring us Circuit City back!!

To finish a game...

...I unlocked all songs on Rock Band, does that count?

Oh, just kidding. I'm not planning to write a review before I at least get five stars in all songs. I'm also dying to play on the Hard level, but I'm still too slow for this. Finishing all songs with five stars is just a warm up. And I only finished the game using the guitar anyway. I'll NOT finish it using the microphone since I hate singing and my singing skills are lame, but I'll DEFINITELY have to finish the game using the drums.

Until now, I can say the game play has a good timeof response, the songs selection in general is good and the game is fun (even though it is not as fun as playing with your friends).

...yeah, I bought a 360. And a couple of games for it, but I'll play them like crazy only when I finish Rock Band. Well, at least in the guitar. Or as soon as the weekend comes.

2009 resolutions - updated

One came across my mind just now:

12. Watch all Bruce Lee's movies.

Yes, I've just realized I'm a big Bruce Lee fan.

In fact, old kung-fu movies are cool. I'll try to download a bunch of them as soon as I have some time.

Fast considerations about the games that I'm playing

The DS version for Guitar Hero make my wrists hurt. The guitar control is not anatomic. At all.

I didn't think that Soul Calibur IV was so fun. Not because of the fighting mode (yai, finished it with Sophitia and Taki today - I'm progressing in a VERY slow rhythm), which is sort of repetitive, specially after you finish it with the characters that interest you, but because of the customized characters.

...yes, I actually DO have fun creating a male version of Talim or a female version of Rock.

Played just one or two minutes of FFIV. I even forgot what I'm supposed to do there. Also played a couple of minutes of Crash of the Titans, but I didn't like the gameplay of Crash of the Titans. I like the classic games better.

I'm trying to think of a quick, casual game to play for now. But maybe I should just turn all the consoles off and spent the last hours of 2008 with my family. And that's what I think I'm gonna do.

Either way, I won't be here for the rest of the year, so Happy New Year for all of you!!