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nash_latkje Blog

2009 resolutions

...I'm the Ring King, yai!

Actually I've been stuck on level 13 long before that September post, even back when I was a videogame maniac. Today I still like videogames, even though I cannot be called a "video game maniac" anymore.

So, about the year that is about to come: well... everybody has expectations, right? Personally, I was never the kind of person who waits for a certain day to go on with something, but after all I've been through this year, there are a couple of things I want to list and constantly check for the next year. I can't say I'll be always coming back, checking if I have done those things or not, since I haven't been in a mood to keep updating a blog. Besides, I have to finish a game before writing a review, like I always did!

So here's my list of things to do next year:

1. Practice more exercises.

2. Study more seriously.

3. Play more video game. I want to write at least 12 reviews next year. And I want to do a review for at least one game per console.

4. Don't get that closer to anyone. People know how to be cruel and even I have feelings.

5. Keep my room organized.

6. Work harder, earn more money.

7. Read more books. My mind has been empty lately. How about at least a book per month?

8. Use less internet. I like spending the entire time on the internet, but lately I feel like it has been just a waste of time.

9. Watch more anime, perhaps? How does "a whole series per month" sounds? I also want to start watching things like C.S.I. and Cold Case. And nah, I don't like Dr. House.

10. Become a serious person (...yeah right.).

11. Improve my writing skills. I've been writing like a six years old lately.

More to come. I'll try to keep this updated.

Just passing by to say I'm alive

Good lord, the last time I updated this blog was in September.

Well, don't expect me to come back with a lot of blog updates (...uh, I'm sure no one is expecting this from me), I only feel like doing it once in a while (more precisely when I finish a game. Sometimes not even that).

Well, anyway, in my previous post I was saying that I wasn't thinking about buying a new console so soon, since a have so many consoles and so few time to play. Oh, well, I ended up buying a Playstation 3 two months ago and actually I'm pretty happy with it. I only have 4 games, though. The games that really interest me for it (that would be Final Fantasy Versus and maybe the next Kingdom Hearts) weren't released yet. And I seriously think that they may take a while to be released.

Anyway, I bought four games: Soul Calibur IV, LittleBigPlannet, Eternal Sonata and Tomb Raider: Underworld. Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of the Tomb Raider series, I only bought it because my father likes to play it.

I also played a little bit of Final Fantasy Dissidia. Can't wait for the american release!

And... that's what I have to say by now. I haven't been in a mood to write lately. Don't know why. Lack of time and personal issues, I guess.

See you next time!


It's been a long time since I shown my face here, huh? Not that anyone cares anyway.

Truth is that I didn't have anything interesting to tell. Last time I wrote here was when I was still studying... and had time to play AND update this blog. After that, I dedicated myself to college and at getting a nice job. I did it, thank godness, but after that I simply didn't have time to play video games anymore.

A few months ago I bought a PSP and the only game I played from the beggining 'til the end was Locoroco. For all the rest of the time, I've been dedicating myself fully to my new job. I really love it, but I honestly do not have time to play games anymore. I'm still trying to understand why the hell I bought a PSP.

I never had a chance to finish Zelda: Twilight Princess. For a little while I was seriously thinking about buying a Nintendo Wii, but what would be the use of buying it if Idon't have time to play anything at all, not even the portable consoles I bought?

Another thing that I took a few while to admit: maybe I just don't like video games as I liked before. I simply don't have time nor patience anymore. I bought Final Fantasy IV for DS almost a month ago and only now I played it... for less then 15 minutes!

I don't know about you, but whenever I choose to play something, I like to dedicate all my time and energy to finish the game nice and neat. I don't like to "multithread" my tasks. So much that I'm still my good old Playstation 2. I feel like I still didn't take the best of it. When I think about it, it isn't just about the games. I use this "phylosophy" in pretty much everything I do. I hate to be defeated in anything. I like to be good in what I do (even though my awful English skills may make it look like I don't).

I don't plan to buy another console so soon. There are still a couple of games I want to finish in PS2, like Grandia 3, Final Fantasy XII and... I don't know, perhaps Soul Calibur 3, even though if frustrates me to the last single nail. Also, I'm in the beggining of Phoenix Wright 2's last case. I just started Final Fantasy IV and I still want to play a lot of Nintendo DS games.

There is too much to do. There is too little time available. But, at least for now, I want to dedicate myself to my job. Something tells me that this is something for what I will never regret,

So, you won't see me here very often, but I'll make sure to show up every once in a while. If there is someone reading my blog right now, thank you for spending so much time reading my babbling!

A fast update

Nope, not in vacation yet. Yes, classes seem never ending. I always try to find some time to play, but in the end I find myself getting stressed with my studies. Holy crap, I'm so damn anxious to finish all these crap that I barely look to my DS and my PS2. The last time I played was when Contra 4 was released, so I took my DS and played online with my fellow for about 20 minutes and that's it (and that was because Contra 4 may be quite hard, yiques). 20 minutes because... well, that's the time we have between the classes (and you know, we also need to eat).

At the same time, whenever I have time I take a look at my Google Reader and notice the amount of releases for Nintendo DS. Dang, sometimes it looks like this is being done on purpose!!


Well, better more than less, huh.


I still ought a few reviews...

Oh, man...

Life suddenly seems so short...

Random post

Ok, I owe you Ouendan 2 and EBA reviews. I finished both of them a little while ago... and I guess I was supposed to write a review about them as soon as I finish them, so I could have the fresh ideas in my mind... but as soon as I thought about that, I lost my internet conection for about 4 or 5 days and on the top of that I still had lots of academic documents to do (and still didn't finish them all), so let's say that until the end of this year, I'll be quite busy.

Oh, yeah. I started to play Castlevania (ehrm... the one for DS, I don't remember which of them it was) and Guitar Hero 3. An interesting detail is that I didn't finish Phoenix Wright yet.

There are so many interesting games that I would like to play more calmly... but since I started to work, I seem to be a little short of time...

Whatever... let's just get back to work.

Thinking on what to write

Okay, okay, I confess. I've been QUITE absent lately, but I DO HAVE A GOOD EXPLANATION!! Besides my addiction for Prince of Tennis, I've been trying to focus on my academic life so I can get graduated at the end of this year. I really hope everything goes as I'm planning.

Now talking about games... I finished Ouedan 2 a little while ago (in fact, I believe I said that in my last post), and I still have to write a review, but... I could copy/paste the first Ouendan's review as well and no one would notest the difference. But I'll do my best to write a decent review.

I didn't finish Phoenix Wright yet. I must be in the beggining of the last case (the second day, to be more precise), but I haven't been in the mood to think to much lately, really. I've been more in the mood of playing a few casual games, in which you don' have to think too much. You know, sometimes it's good to relax your brain a little.

Man... I've been tiring my mind so much that I can't even think on something good to write! That stkins, my brain doesn't even work anymore!

I can't take it anymore... I need vacations...

HP reaching 0

Holy crap... I can't remember being that tired since I started to study at the university... I've been playing only one hour per day (and that's because I'm already sacrifying an hour of sleep), I can't boost up (when I say this I mean acting faster than I use to - I usually do this whenever I'm feeling kinda depressive. This way, I don't have time to feel sad) because my energy seems to end up faster than the usual, I'm always sleepy and my concentration level is near zero. I honestly don't know how the hell I still find he strenght to keep on going on.

Anyway, back to the games' world.

I'm almost finishing Ouendan 2 at the Insane Mode. I was supposed to write a review 'bout it, since I already finished it on the Hard Mode (and I believe this would be enough to write quite a lot of things 'bout the game), but I don't even know how to start it.

I'm also thinking 'bout writing a review for Prince of Tennis Crystal Drive, which I've been playing since my father bought me a DS. I really like the game, but I was thinking 'bout quit playing it as soon as I unlocked all the characters. I believe there are still a few of them missing, but I have no idea on how to unlock them. I also have lots of things to talk about this game.

Oh, man... how tired can one person be??? I can't even keep my eyes opened!!!

That's sad...

I think I'm gonna take a quick nap.


Fullmeta Alchemist, huh?

I was playing Fullmetal Alchemist a few seconds ago... man, that game sure is annoying! The game play would be interesting... if it were a side-scrolling. But the game's in the Guilty Gear fighting style, where you have three plans and have to move from one to another. There's a lot of people who actually enjoy this kind of game... which is definitely not my case. It's hard to control both the controller and the stylus at the same time. Besides, the difficulty is not well distributed: you go through an entire phase beating enemies as stupid as an old door... to confront a boss that is pretty much harder than confronting a thousand of thugs at the same time! That makes no sense at all!

Oh, this reminds me of something: I somehow managed to take an S on the last song of Ouendan... in the Cheerleaders mode!! I even recorded it in my phone so I can prove I'm not lying. Amazing! It took me a few attempts to manage to do it. When I was almost giving up finishing Ouendan in the Cheerleaders mode... I take an S!!

Oh, yes, I finished Ouendan 2 at the Hard Mode, so I'm thinking 'bout writing a review for it as soon as I feel in the mood. I've been quite busy lately (and you can notest that I barely post useless things here as I used to post before), so I can't think of making a good review right now (not that my reviews are good).

Man... it's getting tough to choose only one game to play at the DS. There are more titles that I could ever imagine. I don't think I'll be able to play all of them... nor make reviews (as I always say, I like to finish the game before writing a review - sometimes the game has quite a boring beggining but the rest of the game is excellent - and that's what happens with Suikoden 5, which happens to be my favorite game). But I'll try to write at least fast reviews of them. I doubt anyone will ever read my posts, but at least will know the bad sides of the game. *giggles*

Which game should I play now..?

Abandoned blog...

Wow, it's been quite a while since my last post... I've been running around like crazy so I get to finish my projects. In my free hours, I play a little DS and get back to work. It's been tough times, but I guess I managed to survive somehow.

'Bout the games: Prince of Tennis Crystal Drive is in my Now Playing list, but after getting at a certain point, I stopped playing. I spent all my points buying a mode that I can't win and there are still a few characters missing, so I won't write a review for this game until I unlock all the secret characters (and there's plenty of characters, huh? I played this game for almost a month and there are still characters left to unlock!!). It may not seem, but this game is incredibly fun. Using super powers to beat you opponents suddenly seems like a great idea!

Ouendan 2... I'm stuck at the last song of Hard Mode. I don't even dare to wonder how tough can the Cheerleaders Mode be. The worst part is that I always get stuck at the same place. But I still have hopes do finish Ouendan 2 this year.

I started to play Pokémon Diamond, but there's still a long, long way to go. I've just beaten the first Gym Leader and got my first Badge. I'm not playing it very seriously, since I have very few time to play (my job partners say I'm addicted, since I spent the lunch hour playing - yes, I play and eat at the same time: every second is precious!!).

Dropped Nintendogs for a while. Majority of times I can't play using the microphone. Besides, I feel pretty much stupid when using the microphone.

Phoenix Wright was dropped out too. I got stuck at the third chapter and I'm definitely not in the mood to burn my brain when I need it the most.

Oh, man... How can I find some time to play..?


Man, I'm getting trully frustrated with Ouendan 2... the level hard is QUITE A FREAKING HELL LOT MORE harder than the first Ouendan. You know... the not the hard that confuses you a little, but after a few attempts you manage to go through the entire song. I mean the FREAKING HELL LOT hard that doesn't let you even pass THE FIRST FREAKING PART. THIS is what I mean by FRUSTRATING.

After these kinds of stages, the victory seems to have a better taste...