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From the Slums of Hell...

Chapter 2: Appropriate Apathy

by: nate1222

"...Anywhere the wind blooows..."

A pair of orange mini-headphones finishes chirping Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" into the pointy ears of a marble-pale female as she sits crouched, chin just above her knees, arms around her shins, gazing at the flames dancing from a rusted oil drum. A bang of her raven black hair covers one of her reflective scarlet eyes. Her plum purple lipstick with black lip liner sharply contrasts against her pale complexion. Her lug-soled, black boots tell tales of rough usage. Her loose fit, ripped up black jeans and red and black sports bra reveal her stomache and a tramp-stamp tattoo on the small of her back. Of her two blackened bat wings, the right one cups around her right side while the left wing extends forward to occassionally fan the flames in the rusted oil drum. She's fully aware that she's beautiful in ways that those of esteemed class would be ashamed to admit.

Just a snippet from my Creative Writing final paper


Retro Vault Union: What's Your Fav Retro TV Series?

Dear GS Homeslices,

Just today, I threw up a new topic in Retro Vault Union's bulletin. The topic is regarding your fav Retro TV series. In it, I included links to Youtube clips of entire episodes from the 1990s version of The Outer Limits. A damn fine series, might I add.

*Links are in the colored texts*

Check'em out and Retro Vault will appreciate your two cents.

Take Care & Love the Retro Awesomeness


My Officer rank & Retro Vault review of SGCC

Dear GS Homeslices,

Since my last blog, I've had my Officer rank re-instated at the Retro Vault Union. As per my promise, I've thrown up a quick and convenient review of Sega Genesis Clazzics Collection for PC.

I didn't score it, because I feel that users will make their own assessments based upon personal tastes. Instead, I simply broke down the pros and cons and noted the hardware requirements. You know...the useful s___.

Here's the link to the Retro Vault review of SGCC.

Take Care & Love the Awesomeness


Retro Vault Union is Finally Leveling Up!

Dear GS Homeslices and Retro Heads,

I recentlt re-joined the Retro Vault Union after months of wallowing in industry induced angst and nihilism. My love of Retro gaming will not go gently into that good night. As such, I've also PMed a few Retro Vault members requesting that my old Officer rank be re-instated.

Upon regaining my Officer rank, I intend to immediately begin reviewing PC and smartphone remakes of klassik console and PC games. This will begin with Sega Genesis Klassix Collection for PC. I believe I can bring Retro Vault's level up, from Level 3 at 51%.

That's right, Retro Heads. GS has finally worked some of the kinks out and allowed our Union to finally level up. This is ironic considering how old most of our posts and reviews are on the Union. So, I know we can build our level up with future activity. But, I can't accomplish this alone. I'll need your assistance.

Thanks-a-mil & Let's Get Retro Vault Up & Running Again!


The Steady Rise of Retro Gaming.

Dear GS Homeslices,

I'm not gonna get into just how much of a retro gamer I am. By now, I've sickened most of you with such rants. Though, most of you have an obvious admiration for at least some Old School games.

This blog is in regard to the noticably steady rise of the retro gaming scene. From the numerous anthologies and collections that have been around since the PS1's and N64's 'Namco Museum' titles to the 'Capcom Klassix Collections' for PS2/PSP/XBox to 'Midway's Arcade Treasures' series for PS2/XBox/Gamecube/PC to our current wave of cheap downloadables via Virtual Console, XBLA, PSN, Steam and even Amazon...we've witnessed ressurections of many of our Old School favs.

Even on our beloved smart phones we've witnessed our Old School goodies springing back to life. Mega Man X was recently released for iOS (iPhone and iPad). Sega Genesis Klassix Collection (30+ Genesis games) was released for iOS last year. Mortal Kombat 3 was given a polygonal makeover for iOS. Soul Calibur is now available for tablets. GTA3 was re-released across smart phone and tablet platforms just this year. And most of the platformers and RPGs available on Android and iOS are of a 4th gen/16bit era (SNES/Genesis) mold, resembling Final Fantasy or Zelda titles of that era.

My only complaint is that some of my old favs have yet to be re-released. While the Sega Genesis Klassix Collection is a marvel to behold on PCs, some of the best titles haven't been added yet. Phantasy Star IV and Sonic & Knuckles are MIA at the moment. Though, Phantasy Star IV is available on the PS2/PSP/PSN/XBLA versions and the Wii's Virtual Console. Then, there are the non-Sega developed games that aren't yet available. Examples: Castlevania Bloodlines and Contra Hard Corps; two of the very best games released for the Sega Genesis, which were actually better than their SNES equivelants. As of this typing, such games can only be enjoyed via alternative means. But, this may very well change in time.

In regards to the Sega Genesis Klassix Collection for PC/PSN/XBLA, games that aren't already included can easily be added over time. Particularly in the PC version, every time you purchase another Genesis game, it's added to the games in an application. This keeps them neat and organized, but also allows future games to be added should...say...Konami decide to make Contra Hard Corps and Castlevania Bloodlines available... I'd gladly plop down the standard $3 for them -or even $4-$5 (I understand, Konami has to make money here too). So, while not as robust as we'd like it to be, the catalog can easily be expanded.

Take Care & Support Legal Emulation

-nate1222/hare122275 on Youtube

I finally got an Android phone.

Dear GS Homeslices,

Some of you are already aware that I'd been considering getting an Android phone for a few months now. And, because AT&T offers Androids with the Gophone plan, it'd be an easy transition for me: I am a 3 year Gophone owner with the $60 unlimited talk & text plan. Well, yesterday I broke down and got an Android and kept my old Gophone number and $60 per month plan. And I'm loving it. ;)

The whole thing cost me only $169. That's including a 4GB micro SD card. It came with a 2GB card. I can use wi-fi when I'm in a wi-fi hotspot, but can purchase data packages if I feel it's more convenient. And, because I was already paid into Febuary, they simply switched my service to my new Android and continued my original Gophone set up. I own the phone; no contracts or payments; $169 got me the entire bundle.

As far as games go: yes, I love Angry Birds and Fruit Slice (both are free), and I've been rocking the GameBoid emu. I've also bought and am madly in love with Zenonia and Symphony of Eternity. Zenonia is like the SNES Zelda 3, with an edgier look and feel to it. Pretty damn good for under $1. Symphony of Eternity is a SNES/GBA Final Fantasy rip-off, done nicely enough to easily forgive it at under $3. I haven't dumped any videos on it yet, but I prefer that stuff on my laptop's 13 inch screen anyway.

All-in-all, my dirt cheap Android with its reasonable Gophone plan and dirt cheap apps have made this one Hell of a weekend. Too sweet!

Take Care & Love Mobile Gaming

-nate1222/hare122275 on Youtube

My Senator Actually Responded to My SOPA Concerns!

Dear Mr. ********,

Thank you for contacting me about the internet streaming of copyrighted material. I appreciate hearing from you on this issue.

On May 12, 2011, Senator Leahy (D-VT) introduced S. 968, the Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property (PROTECT IP) Act. While I am supportive of the goals of the bill, I am deeply concerned that the definitions and the means by which the legislation seeks to accomplish these goals will have unintended consequences and hurt innovation, job creation, and threaten online speech and security. On November 17, 2011, I signed a letter along with Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) objecting to the bill as it is currently written.

On December 17, 2011, Senator Wyden introduced the "Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade"(OPEN) Act (S. 2029), of which I am an original co-sponsor. The bill has been referred to the Senate Finance Committee, where it is currently awaiting further review. The OPEN Act is a more effective approach to stopping foreign web sites that are found to be primarily and willfully used to infringe intellectual property rights. The OPEN Act builds on the existing legal framework used by the International Trade Commission for addressing unfair acts in the importation of articles into the United States, or in their sale for importation, or sale within the United States after importation.

Our trade laws have yet to catch up to deal with the global digital economy. The OPEN Act recognizes that the Internet has created new opportunities for foreign products to reach the U.S. market and that there is little difference between downloading a pirated movie from a foreign website and importing a counterfeit movie DVD from a foreign company. For those foreign web sites that are determined after an investigation to be primarily and willfully infringing, the International Trade Commission will issue a "Cease and Desist" order. The "Cease and Desist" order may also be served on financial intermediaries that provide services to that foreign web site, compelling financial payment processors and online advertising providers to cease doing business with the foreign site in question. This would cut off financial incentives for this illegal activity and deter these unfair imports from reaching the U.S. market.

The OPEN Act addresses the same challenges as the PROTECT IP Act, while protecting freedom of speech, innovation,and security on the Internet. The challenge of rogue web sites is one that many nation's face. The United State has always been seen as a leader on Internet issues. Laws we establish in the United States regarding the Internet are likely to be used as models around the world. And because the Internet is global in nature, it is important that we carefully consider how the laws and policies we adopt in this area maybe received and translated by other countries.

Thank you again for contacting me to share your thoughts on this matter. You may also be interested in signing up for periodic updates for Washington State residents. If you are interested in subscribing to this update, please visit my website at Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance.

Maria Cantwell
United States Senator

Name Your Fav Sci-Fi B-Movies.

Dear GS Homeslices,

In this here blog, we're gonna discuss Sci-Fi B-Movies.

I'll jump this puppy off by bringing up a long time fav that I've recently replaced: Trancers, written by Danny Bilson & Paul De Meo and directed by Charles Band.It's actually a six (6) movie series, starring Tim Thomerson and (in the earlier movies) Helen Hunt. Trancers started in 1985 and extended well into the new milinium. It has also built a cult following, of which I have become a member.

Trancers sports a tech noir (hardboiled detective mixed with cyber-punk) aesthetic, similar to anime klassik series Cowboy Bebop or the movie Blade Runner. In 2245, 'trooper' Jack Deth (Tim Thomerson) is hunting down a terrorist cult leader named Whistler. Whistler turns people into mindless, raging attackers by "trancing" them. Hense the title.

Whistler manages to go back in time to 1985 L.A. in order to assassinate the ancestors of the high council members. He also has his sights set on wacking Jack's ancestor, Phil, whom Jack discovers is a pretencious prick Jack follows him back to 1985. Jack and Whistler travel back in time and enter the bodies of their ancestors, a la' Sam Becket in Quantum Leap.

1985 is a strange world to Jack Deth. Southern California hasn't sunken into the Pacific Ocean yet: Jack used to recreationally scuba dive in the sunken ruins of L.A., now he's seeing it above ground in a different time period. He meets Lena (Helen Hunt, in all her hotness), who's a regular minimum wage employee at a local mall, whom Phil (Jack's ancestor) has recently hooked up with. After a series of weird events, they find themselves looking for the council members' ancestors and dodging Whistler's flunkies. And the series rolls from there.

All-in-all, the Trancers movies have managed to build a cult following for some very good reasons. Chiefly, they're fun as all Hell to watch. Their combo of low-budget, everyday joe type characters, deliberately cheesey acting (similar to the much venerated Evil Dead trilogy) and an action sci-fi setting are simply addictive and even somewhat charming. It's almost like seeing everyday people in an over-the-top story. I love it.

Take Care & Support Your Beloved B-Movie Genre

-nate1222/hare122275 on Youtube

Happy Birthday to My Damn Self!

Dear GS Homeslices,

Tomorrow, December 22nd, is my 36th Birthday. I will celebrate by throwing back a couple of beers, grabbing a free Venti Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks and gaming and watching DVDs. I'll probably get some phone calls from relatives back East. So, if I'm not on GS very much tomorrow, don't take it as though I'm ignoring you. I'll be right back on Friday, the 23rd.

I'm seriously considering hitting up GOG for a couple of good cheapies, but it'll be near the end of December, when I get paid again. In any case, GOG's current 50% off sale is good through January 2nd, 2012. So my personal B-Day gifts to myself will be late, but awesome.

Take Care & Celebrate the Greatest Holiday of the Left Hand Path: Your Own Birthday!

-nate1222/hare122275 on Youtube

Meet my new avatar, Sawyer the Cleaner.

Dear GS Homeslices,

For those of you who don't have eyes in your heads, I recently got GS to stop glitching out and put in my new avatar. Meet Sawyer the Cleaner, of Black Lagoon the 2nd Barrage episodes 16-18, the Roanapur Freakshow Circus story arc.

Sawyer is a "cleaner" who disposes of the corpses of Roanapur's numerous crime bosses. Her tool of choice is a large chainsaw. Hense the nickname Sawyer. She uses a voicebox to speak, due to having her throat slit. Whenever she can't use her voice box to express herself, she becomes emotionally unstable. As if cutting up corpses wasn't unstable enough. Not surprisingly, she's a Goth.

Here's a link to a fan made video showing Sawyer putting in work in episode 17:


-nate1222/hare122275 on Youtube