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natiko Blog

The art of resurrection..

Well everybody, I thought I'd inform you that I'm doing much better now. My problems got worked out(to a degree) and it's safe to say that I'm still around and plan on being so for a long time to come. Sorry for any worries I might have arroused with the last blog, I wasn't in the best of moods when I made it.

In other resurrection news my computer is once again in the land of the living. My computer had died last umm, not sure when but last something, Friday or Saturday I think when my parents decided to be whores and look through all the stuff on it, turns out they ended up ****ing it up big time but I just got it fixed so no need to worry about that either.

In some ending news Dis is once again on my hate list, surprise surprise:roll:

.::Tom::. aka Natiko aka Rubber Ducky
Leader of Final Fantasy Experience

The art of tragedy..

Needless to say something bad happened. I don't feel like talking about it here. Basically I hate the world and want to die. But yeah, anyways, I just wanted to let you know if I suddenly stop signing in all of a sudden...then...well...I'm sure you can make a guess at what happened. If I don't have any log-ins for a few weeks straight then I give permission to any GS admins to remove me as leader of Final Fantasy Experience and give the leadership to Jumbo120788.

Till next time..(assuming there is a next time..)


The art of bliss..

Well, I realized I hadn't made a blog in ages so I decided to make one. Of course once I decided this I also realized I had no idea what to make one of!:P So, I decided to just kinda give everybody an update on how I'm doing.

I guess the first thing to mention is my girlfriend Alex. Things are going wonderfully with her and she makes me so incredibly happy, I don't know what I'd do without her.

Basketball has ended...we got knocked out because I accidentally missed a game V_V Yeah...kinda screwed up there... -_-

Gamespot wise I'm picking up my activity but might be too busy to spread my time out over a lot of unions, expect some resignations soon..

Just overall I've been doing really good lately. For once I feel like things will be fine!:P Yay for a lack of depression lol

Hmmmmm, what else..
I suppose I can show some sigs I've made..haven't shown any work in awhile

Was going for simplicity
New look Gift for Stary Star :P New look, possibly my best sig ever Same One of my best too

Another possible best  -- just right click and view properties for the link, GS isn't big enough to show it and FireFox won't let me copy/paste

I guess that's all I can think to talk about..

Till next time you rabbid bunnies!

Tom aka Rubber Ducky aka Natiko


Uh-ohhh... [UPDATED]

Okay everybodies, bad news first. My internet died. Yep, it DIED. Then we got in an arguement with the provider and was ugly. However, they did fix it...but not really..from what I've been told it works sometimes..but mostly doesn't work..>_> Luckily atm it is working! *celebrates* haha

MORE BAD NEWS (zomgah wtf indeed)

From what I've been told basically all of my stuff has been wiped from the hard drive. The reason? They thought I had it on my computers too. The problem? One of my computers died along with my laptop that died a few weeks back. The solution? idk I did however buy a new computer..yep it's pretty good, scary part though is it has knowing my luck it'll crash and implode or something -_-

Good News?

Huh? All I said was bad news first...I never said there'd be good news after..:| XD But no seriously..there's no good news...I lose guys..I lose:cry:

Annnnnnnd that's about all, I just want to apologize to those unions that I have responsibilities at and have been inactive in lately. I'll get back when I can.

Till Next Time Muffins,

.::Tommy::. aka Rubber Ducky aka Natiko

*bear rolls by and eats NAWROOTOES*

Sorry I was booooored...wait..I'm not sorry..:| Live with the randomness! Or just die..your choice :)


My internet's fixed!!! I'll be back on more guys so do not feaaaar! PhotoShop will be back in due time too:D

/-\ |_ 3 X ! wootness

     Well everybody, for once I'm glad to announce that my life is going gooood. It's been awhile since I've felt this good and I'm just really happy right now:D It's definately a nice change of pace:)

     Most of this can be credited to Alex(note the title). She always makes me happy:D I love her so much:D She > You  = Fact!

     Hmmm, what else is there to talk about..oh yes, I'm currently trying some new things in Photoshop. Can't attest to how good any of it is...but I'm experimenting none-the-less. I might make a bloggy about it in the future so be on the lookout...

     The second semester of school has started the last few weeks. Can't say it's good though...first semester was much better. Had better people in my classes. Oh well, school's not meant to be fun I suppose:P

                          OMGAH RANDOMNESS STARTS..

     *bear rolls by*  *bear eats pie* *toast cat screams in horror* *bear eats toast cat* :o

     It was recently discovered that 1 + 1 does NOT equal 2. A recent amendment has been made to show that it in fact equals Bear. Believe it.


     "I'm gonna be mod one day..Believe it!!!!" HAHA XD You know that was funny Maa even if it was making fun of you:P

     I'm eating some starbursts ^_^

     Today, I tripped over my own feet and fell down in the middle of the hallway at school >_>

     You better watch out, you better not cry, cause if you do Santa'll show you why, people are afraid..of pedo clowns O_O

     Water Polo...With Sharks! = Best Sport Evar

     Indeed...I should end the randomness...I'm sure by all think I'm looney...which in fact migh be true...but nevertheless....I bid you adiou(okay, okay idk how the hell you spell that...but w.e. lol)

Till Next Time!
          .::Tommy::. aka Natiko aka Rubber Ducky

p.s. I'm bored.

p.p.s. I had the title as being in all l33t..but then GS killed the deal with it.

The Random Bananas!!!

     Yes, it is true, be aphearededed!!! There are random bananas EVERYWHERE!!! least there are in my house >.> You see today I was at the computer for a few hours and then realized that there was a banana on the desk..randomly. I just decided it was one random banana, no big deal. The thing is..there was another one :o Downstairs on the coffee table..another..random..banana! :shock: I know, I know, you're panicking right now, try to keep calm. If we get a lot of monkeys we might have a fighting chance!

     In other news I'm still depressed, don't really need to go into why though, I've talked about it enough.

     Christmas has come and gone :o My Christmas suckied. Only good thing was seeing everybody's faces when they got their gifts. I didn't really get any good gifts and the whole depression thing kinda made it sad.

     Photoshop. It loves me and hates me at the same time. It seems sometimes I do great in it...but then WHAM I suck. I think I'm finally getting out of one of those suck periods:D Also while we're at it I won a tournament at the union formerly known as Tainted Divinity Designs, but now Dreamworks even though it hasn't changed yet..anyways..

     Final Fantasy Experience(a union I've been a part of for a long time) got endorsed everybody! Yes, I know, this excites you.

     I got a Wii and PS3 for those that didn't know yet. The PS3 has been disappointing, the Wii has been funnnn:o

     Dis is a monkeh! And Quaker is deh former lolimaster now unlolimaster :o

     Super Naughty Banana Star!!!!! she the leader of deh random bananas?!?!?!?! :shock:

     Should the randomness be over? Pie. Buttsmecks. There the randomness can be over.:)

Till next time my fiesty little deer nuggets!
Tommy (Natiko)

p.s. Popcorn rules j00

The Abyss // Haunted By Dreams

     Have you ever thought that something was actually going to work out for once? That there was no way anything could stop it? Doesn't it suck when something destroys that belief, the one belief that kept you happy, the one belief that made you think life was worth living?

     Right now I just don't know what to do. I really thought this time I had something good. I thought I had something that wasn't based on someone using me and I did. I had the one thing I wanted. Sadly life isn't fair. Fate, God, whatever you think decides what happens in life must've decided that I didn't deserve to be happy. Must've decided that I should be left here, alone for eternity.

     I guess that's all. I just kinda felt like getting that out and with few people to turn to I used this as a medium. I realize that most people that see this will simply get creeped out and leave but that's okay. I just needed to get this out. To anyone who I have responsibilites on GS to I will try to at least meet in part those responsibilities but I will make no promises, I feel as if I may never make a promise again, that can only lead to disappointment.

Till next time,
              Tom (Natiko)

Turbulent Times

     Well, I've been sort of worried lately. About things like life...and love. It seems lately I've just gotten really worried about it all and what I'm going to do with my life. I guess this has all come about because of some recent pressure I've been feeling along with the fact that today marks the one year anniversary of my first loves death(R.I.P. Brynn). I've always blamed myself for what happened and I guess I still do. I've just found myself thinking about all of these things lately and it had me in a bad place for awhile. Well, I'm happy to report that I think I'm finally starting to get over it. I feel like I know what I want and need to do with my life. I know I can't let others pressure me into doing something that goes against what my heart is saying and I won't. I still have some issues that I need to work through and nothing is set in stone, but I just feel like things will get better from here out.

     Okay, now that I've alienated everybody by getting too deep and stuff I'll move onto lighter things:P Man me and Photoshop have not been getting along lately. I think I've just gotten too far away from what I had down good. It seems nowadays all I ever do are stock manips and I'm just not as good at it as I was at regular sigs. I'm going to make it a point in the future to start doing more sigs like I used to do. I don't mean exactly like I used to do of course:P I need to learn more stuff and all of that.

     Hmm, next topic I suppose should be my health. I'm feeling good. I'm not really sick anymore. I still don't know what I had though and I have a test in EVERY class monday to make up:(

     Well folks I think that's about it. I've bored you enough with all of this blabbering.:P

Till next time my peoples,
                                    Tom aka Natiko

P.S. t(0.0t) (haha I wonder if I'll be modded for this)

Just my luck...

I'm sick...AGAIN! Oh in case you didn't know I got sick a week ago..and then yesterday I thought I was better and I seemed fine...but today I'm sick again. This time it doesn't even seem like the same thing I feel like I'm coming down with something else entirely! Gah, I hate being sick. Oh goes on I suppose. I really don't have much else to say...I've just been playing a lot of games lately....trying ot get over sickness. Sorry to those unions that I'm not showing up to as much..I hope you can understand. Once I get back to full health I'll be back. I'm going to go now...back to my popcorn..yummy, plus Aimee(turns out she skipped school today) is going to be over to make me something good to eat.

Till next time,

               Tom aka Natiko

P.S. ("\(..:..:..)/") RAWR!!!:D:D:D

Did you know it's my birthday today?!

Yes, that's right today(September 16th) I am 16! I got rather sick of being 15, but that is in the past now8) Some of my friends will be back over sometime today(by back I mean I woke up to a lot of them standing over my bed and they all suddenly screamed "Happy Birthday!" It was rather scary...especially seeing as how I'm not quite sure how they got in...because I was the only one home..and I always make sure everything's locked...O.o anyways..they didn't kill me or rob that's the good thing. I can't wait to eat a LOT of cake:D Cake...such a wonderful thing..I already had cookies last night, Aimee's a great chef8) She's making me a cake today too:P And other peoples are getting me some cake too I think. Plus, I'm going to get myself some ice cream cakes too(that's right..plural:D). Umm, outside of birthdayness I've just been swamped with alllllll sorts of homework...bleh..sorry to those unions who are getting the lack of activity from me...I can't help it....soooooo much homework:( Um, the soccer team's doing good..undefeated so far..go us! I got the Leader emblem*feigns wootness* Yeah..yippiedy doopedy dee. Anyways, just wanted to let everyone know that today marks the anniversary of my birth8)

Till next time,
                   Tom aka Natiko

p.s. I feel obliged to do a p.s. yeah..cake.