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natiko Blog

Omgah...Attack Of The Lameness!!! (Bum bum bum bummmmmmm) so crappy....bleh. It seems like everyday I have homework. It probably wasn't smart to take so many AP classes. The scary part is that next year I'll be taking even more O.O It's not that anything is particularly's just so loaded up that it's irritating. On top of that I have tennis right now and it's taking up quite a bit of my time too. It's been raining here too so we've had to play in light rain which is annoying..dunno why they didn't just post-pone the games. Actually right now at this very moment I'm doing homework(sorta..this isn't homework..but I have homework open..and I've been working on it). I've been getting better at Photoshop for those who care*waits..hears nothing but silence* At any rate I can't bother with getting some more recent stuff to put up in this blog, but just go to Tainted Divinity Designs(if you don't want to take the time to look much for it just go to my union's tab..duh) and look for my gallery if you're dieing to see anything:P I had some more cake yesterday and a few days before that. Cake's good. Oh right back to lameness. Some other bad and confusing things have been happening in my life too. Pretty sucky I know. I've felt sorta blah/sad lately. Just..yeah..things sometimes suck. Also as a side note I went to a Kanye West concert a bit over a week ago and while Kanye was good..damn if it wasn't a short that was lame in one way. Ummm, there's other lame stuff, but talking about more lameness will put me in a lamer mood so for now the lame talk about lameness because of lame things will end...lamely.

Till next time,

Your friendly neighborhood Spiderman..Natiko.

p.s. I'm not really Spiderman.

p.p.s. I'm actually see the difference there..yep..not infringing on copyrights or anything here..;)

A random blog about random things..but some of them are important!!![Updated]

Well, it's been awhile since my last blog post so yeah here we go. Let's see..what's new with me..hmmmmmmm. Oh I know!!! I had cake yesterday:D Wasn't my birthday or anything...but I had cake so YAY:D My friend, Aimee, made it for me and it was muy bueno:D My trip to Japan is canceled...for this year. Next year look for me to be going there for a month:o:D Um, I'm hungry(maybe I should eat more of the cake). School starts soon:( I hate boring...bleh. I think I might've like done something bad to one of my teeth last night. I was messing around on a trampoline and I was going for a double backflip and when I hit my knee shot up and smashed me in the mouth and it hurt like a...(GS deleted a blog for censory bypassing...maybe I shoud watch what I say..hmmmm..) of the female persuasion:P And now like 9 hours later after having slept it's still rather sensitive O.O Have I told you I'm hungry yet? Ummmmm I have to take AP Physics next year and I've never even taken Physics >.> Stupid schedule conflicts*grumbles* Anyone know what Physics is like? Anyone?!? I've gotten addicted to Pharrell's new CD, In My Mind, idk it's just awesome(of course I'm a Pharrell junky so w.e.:P). I'm going to be chartering for a new union soon:o I know look for more details coming soon!!! I'm a monster rawr!!! Or maybe I'm just an E3 Monster >.> Okay is it my fault if I love that emblem? It's just teh awesomeness:D:P I tweaked my lower back and strained some muscle(s) around my left ankle:( I need to be more careful..that and my tooth..jeez me what's wrong with myself >_< Do you ever get the feeling when people are going to read something you wrote(for instance this) they're going to think "wtf was this dude on?" >.> I swear I'm not on drugs:D Just hungry<.< Um, um, um, I love Alex:o:D:P Hmmmmmmmmmmm what else? Oh I know. I have a stalker 0_o She is creepy in the sense of the things she's done...details don't need to be said..but O.O teh heebi jeebiz(How do you spell heebi jeebis???). Okay I think I've gone on long enough. I'm sure by now you're all thinking "remind me to stay far away from this dude..he's gotta be on crack..or something.":P:P:P

p.s. Have I told you I'm hungry?

p.p.s. Cake Time:D:D:D

p.p.p.s. Omgah I forgot I've been doing some stuff in PS!

My first abstract sig.

A Burst Angel sig with and without text.

My first tag that I won(well tied, but it counts as a win) with in my first competition ever.

A sig for a competition. It sucks, I know, but I threw it together in less then like fifteen minutes which is fast for me.

A Pharrell sig(lol like I said addicted) and my first and only "real person sig."

Another Burst Angel sig.

A Sora sig.

p.p.p.p.s. Those are sorta, almost in order from newest to oldest(well not OLDEST, but oldest of the ones I'm showing).

p.p.p.p.p.s. DeadlyRain92 made me two sigs too.

p.p.p.p.p.p.s. My profile banner was made by Jumbo*random numbers*(lol I never remember teh numbers) and it owns:D:P

p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. I still haven't gotten more of that cake in my stomach:o>.>

Well.....some stuff's happened in my life recently...

Let's start this off by saying I hate GS because they deleted my last blog for censor bypassing(which I don't think there ever was). Let's move on though...I got my fourth sig done:D

I'm still going to tweak it a bit...change the border to the color of Naruto's headband...I might also do some more stuff with the text. I've been told it's good(I personally haven't liked anything I've done so far).

Now on to the life matters. Me and Hannah....have taken some time apart. We just needed a break...things were just weighing our emotions down too much. We're still really close and the best of friends...we just feel like we needed some time to do other things. One day we might get back together...but nothing's for certain. For now there's another girl I like. She's amazing8) She's also the Popcorn Queen >.> I'm the Popcorn King:D I'm also Hazel:o (longish story). Ummmmmmmmmmmm just a heads afraid of the penii. Yeah that's right....don't let Tina get to close to you with her pants down:P (lmao yes I realize the majority of you will have no idea as to what the hell that last part was about...just move on if you don't know lol). I'm in the middle of a big basketball tourney(3 vs. 3 and there's a lot of teams) so far we've advanced to the quarter finals:D Our next game comes up in about 22 minutes so I'll be off soon(luckily where the tourney's at is like right down the street from my house so I can just run back and forth). Ummm I think that's all......just remember...

Everybody's got a water buffalo, yours is fast but mine is slow. Oh, where'd we get them? I don't know, but everybody's got a water buffalo-ooooooooo.
I took my buffalo to the store, got his head stuck in the door, spilled some lima beans on the floor. Oh everybody's got a ...


School's over and the greatest vacation ever?!?!

That's right school's finally over!!!! YAY!!!! With that today was the first day of my return to GS:) I'm sorry to those that got injured and/or killed during the awesomeness of this event, but it was a neccesary risk. Your sacrifice will soon be forgotten, but at least I will still be here:D Now on to other things. Soon I'll be going on a giant vacation. We haven't completely decided where all we're going, but there will be quite a few of stops both in the US and outside of it(I'm praying for Japan, but not sure if it'll happen). It'll be me, my parents, Hannah(my bride-to-be) and her parents(maybe her sister..but idk..that story's for another time), and a lot of our friends(if I get really bored I'll make a blog with all of the people and a pic of them:P). It's going to own so much:D I'll have internet access all of the time I think so there shouldn't be any worry there. Uhhhhh(is that all? hmmmmm) oh I got a new sig made by like that..not completely sure on the numbers...and it's awesome. I think I'm getting some more new sigs soon too along with a new profile banner. Um, AlexN still sucks major donkey ass and SquareEnix needs to stop milking FFVII. That's it I think:D

      Till next time,

Tom aka natiko


p.p.s.(or is it p.s.s.?) This blog seems soooooo random it's almost scary.

p.p.p.s.(or w.e.) Who knew GS censored hole but when it's immediately after ass? lol

Busy.....veeeery busy

Well as some of you may know lately I've been extremely busy.  I've had so much stuff to do for English class(he gave us five projects with only three weeks left before school ended) that I haven't had time for anything else. I haven't even been able to play basketball much. However school ends June 5th so then I should be able to spend some quality time here. Also in some side news I got oh idk four or five new emblems since I last made an update and I'm also to level 22, Blaster Master. 

Till next time,

Tom a.k.a. Natiko

p.s. I hate To Kill A Mockingbird.

Ugh....being sick stinks!

I feel terrible. I'm sick(as you can tell from the title of this):( I also have to go to a wedding Saturday even though I'm sick. As such I probably won't be on over the weekend and maybe into the week...just depends on when I get to feeling better. Sorry to those that wanted me to do stuff at their union's, but I feel really crappy.

Till next time,

Tom a.k.a. Natiko

p.s. GS bans stupid words like s-u-c-k. me and Hannah had some troubles....

Well for awhile me and Hannah couldn't agree on anything as I said in a past entry, but things got worse. We started to fight and things got terrible:( We stopped talking for a few days and I was feeling really crappy. Time for good news we patched things up!!!!!:D I'm really happy now!:) The only thing is we decided because it was the wedding that started to mess with our relationship we'd put it on a loooooong wait. It will most likely be over a year or two before we come back to the idea. At least we're not fighting anymore:) Just to throw in some other random stuff I might be helping another guy make a Hip hop and OT union. If your interested just tell me. Oh and tommorrow me and Dis(another user on GS) are going to go 24 straight hours on GS because we're both on vacation. Well that's enough for now. Till next time!

Another change and something missed!

Well now I got a new blog banner thingy from maa4208:D I like it! Also the other day I posted two blogs and I think one of them got lost behind the other so...REPOST lol

"An update about the wedding!..Oh and basketball*cries*"

Well the wedding has been pushed back due to no one being able to make up their minds lol To many decisions and not enough time. It's all good though. Everything else is going good for the most part....except basketball. My team just got eliminated from the state tourney*cries* At least we got to the semifinals. Oh well better luck next year.

Look at the wonderful thing you see when your eyes stray upward!

Well I got a new profile banner!!! Well..I got my first profile banner lol I got this from a person who goes by the name of Deadlyrain92( check his profile out at this link ) and it is an advance copy of a banner he will be using at his union The Square-Enix and Capcom Union(located at this link ). It's a great banner so I wanted to use it when I got a sneak peak of it and he let me:D So go check out the union and DR though any requests for banners or sigs or something belong at his union in the designated thread not in his pm box:P

Update about the wedding! Oh yeah..and basketball*cries*

Well the wedding has been pushed back due to no one being able to make up their minds lol To many decisions and not enough time. It's all good though. Everything else is going good for the most part....except basketball. My team just got eliminated from the state tourney*cries* At least we got to the semifinals. Oh well better luck next year.