so crappy....bleh. It seems like everyday I have homework. It probably wasn't smart to take so many AP classes. The scary part is that next year I'll be taking even more O.O It's not that anything is particularly's just so loaded up that it's irritating. On top of that I have tennis right now and it's taking up quite a bit of my time too. It's been raining here too so we've had to play in light rain which is annoying..dunno why they didn't just post-pone the games. Actually right now at this very moment I'm doing homework(sorta..this isn't homework..but I have homework open..and I've been working on it). I've been getting better at Photoshop for those who care*waits..hears nothing but silence* At any rate I can't bother with getting some more recent stuff to put up in this blog, but just go to Tainted Divinity Designs(if you don't want to take the time to look much for it just go to my union's tab..duh) and look for my gallery if you're dieing to see anything:P I had some more cake yesterday and a few days before that. Cake's good. Oh right back to lameness. Some other bad and confusing things have been happening in my life too. Pretty sucky I know. I've felt sorta blah/sad lately. Just..yeah..things sometimes suck. Also as a side note I went to a Kanye West concert a bit over a week ago and while Kanye was good..damn if it wasn't a short that was lame in one way. Ummm, there's other lame stuff, but talking about more lameness will put me in a lamer mood so for now the lame talk about lameness because of lame things will end...lamely.
Till next time,
Your friendly neighborhood Spiderman..Natiko.
p.s. I'm not really Spiderman.
p.p.s. I'm actually see the difference there..yep..not infringing on copyrights or anything here..;)
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