@luert Am actually trying to find that ninja warrior video thing... but being european it's either "blocked in your country" or full of adverts and shitty redneck music. (or 240p)
@seanwil545 @sofalover @abHS4L88 @TenraiSenshi The amount of multi console people is growing quickly, this is nice. It feels like a family that is expanding.
So let me just go for it. Currently i own at my current location (Not posting classic consoles) Ps Vita / Nintendo 3Ds-XL / Ps3 / Ps4 / Xbox 360s / Xbox One / Wii:U / Gaming pc (Slightly aged, Intel i5 2500k oc'd / Nvidia GTX 770 also oc'd)
@sofalover @abHS4L88 @hitomo Let me pass the ball back to you then. Define real console...
Was the Wii a real console? What about the old segas? i mean they lack graphical quality... does that make them less than real consoles now?
The Wii:U is a real console... it's underpowered yes, and bayonetta 2 wouldn't have seen the light of day unless nintendo had given them a big pot of gold coins... i mean money.
Nazgoroth's comments