@tom2750 @hitomo you'd be correct in that tom. Angi suffers from a genetic disorder her mother suffered from... and her grandmother, which increases the chance of breast cancer by (if i read it correctly) about 90% so she had her breasts amputated because the risk of her getting cancer otherwise is very real.
Also to get back on subject (this part is not specifically aimed at tom2750) It's these womens choice to dress / act like this. No man is dominating them into this role, no man is saying HEY! BOOBS OR DEATH!
@abHS4L88 @hitomo Agree with you here... also define "Real" gamer... in my optic a real gamer is someone who plays games but takes it a bit more seriously than your average joe, they research games a bit... watch video's about games... keep an eye on release dates.
Hey look we're on gamespot!
And there are plenty of reasons to buy a Wii:U for instance if you like mellow adventure games, Zelda is still king (or queen). Platformers? Mario it is.
I will admit i bought a Wii:U partly because i'm looking forward to Bayonetta, but i don't regret buying it in the slightest. (the control pad however is a pain to get used too)
@Tuckpoint @CallMeDuraSouka Both are not my type, "Danger dawn" however is more attractive to me... she's more subtle with what she's got... it's not like i stated before. HEY GUYS LOOK AT MY BOOBS!!!... and then when you look at her boobs... HEY PERV STOP LOOKING AT MY BOOBS!!! ALL MEN ARE THE SAME!!!.
Perhaps my standards are too high, that might be my problem,.. perhaps the issue is in my upbringing where i've been taught to respect women... but to expect some classiness in return... and classy women can be hot as an oven lads...
Oh and if i want someone who looks like Jessica Nigri between the sheets... i can... there's plenty of pretty looking prostitutes in amsterdam. (though i refuse to pay for it) (and yes i am saying she looks like a working girl)
@KSSuperhero They make more money doing it than 75% of people with actual jobs in the west. if i could make twice what i currently do working my ass of... by putting on a costume and playing a character at conventions... screw the real world and where do i sign.
Nazgoroth's comments