The only problem is that the current 80GB PS3 do not support PS2 games but dont worry, Sony had patented a way for the current PS3's to play PS2 games but its not released yet.
I have Yellow Dog Linux on my ps3 and it works great BUT there are a few problems that include: Wired Connection only UNLESS you use a laptop that is connected to the internet wirelessly and then using a ethernet cord plug it into your ps3 from your laptop. Yes it is worth the 12gb, I would strongly recommend buying a new harddrive for more space because you can't remove linux unless you format your harddrive. Another problem is that it doesn't have flash unless you look around for a tut on how to get it. Anyway to play PC games without an emulator? I don't think so. Can Linux be installed on an External HDD then run on the PS3? Not sure. Hope this helped a little.
I'm just into the 256 multiplayer, and based on what I saw at E3 look pretty interesting. Looks like there a part for everyone during each battle. And don't judge the game because you guys know nothing about it. And the other comments about the graphics, the game is still in production and the chances are the game playvideo you watched was recored more than a year ago.
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