After playing around in the online beta of Lords of the Ring, I'm not very impressed.
Seeing as this is only the beta, I hope they improve on it.
Graphics: While running on medium to high on all graphic settings, you don't see anything that's any better to what WoW can provide.
UI: Tacky and gaudy to look at, as of right now. I do hope this sees some improvements as well. People need to be given the option to move around menus and adjust the UI to fit their needs, I hope this is something they let us do.
Sound/Music: So far, it's ok. Some of the sound effects are a little sappy, but perhaps it's just me. The music seems to fit the game fairly well.
Story line: I started out as a dwarf: You start off having to explore a mine (not very big area) and you set out to help Gimli when you see that he's in trouble....
Tutorial: Rather lacking, in my opinion. You get some pop-up hints as you go along, but nothing that truely helps you out. After the short run through the starting out mine to help Gimli, you are pretty much thrust into the game without much more guidance. Hopefully they expand on this to help people out a little more.
Overall: I'd rate this game (in it's current beta stage) 6 out of 10. A lot more needs to be done to really make this MMO shine above the rest and to steal some attention away from WoW. Just because this MMO has the Lord of the Rings name doesn't mean they can just rely on that alone to sell the product and convince people to spend their money there.
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