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neatfeatguy Blog

Giants: Citizen Kabuto

I finally got my hands on a new copy of Giants: Citizen Kabuto. Last copy I had I left with the old folks when I moved out, along with a few dozen other games that I didn't have room for to keep at the place I was moving into with some friends....

Needless to say, my younger brother got his hands on the games I left behind and he pretty much destroyed them all - not on purpose, but because he just didn't give a flip about things at the time and the games got lost or scratched to hell or broken into several pieces.

I had games that I loved and some I didn't care about if I had or not, but they were still mine and part of my collection. I've slowly built back up some of the games that I lost. I really liked this one and I can't wait to play it again!

Yeah for me!

New baby picture!

Here's a pic of Brynn playing on our female huskey Bailey. Bailey treats Brynn as her own puppy and she's constantly trying to clean Brynn's hands and face by licking them and she just lets Brynn climb all over her.

I just wanted to share the cuteness she brings to the world.

How was your past 4 days?

Mine sucked. I spent the past 4 days (Wed-Fri mostly) sick as hell. I lost 8 pounds and spent majority of my time in the bathroom. I caught some nasty viral bug. I lived off of Gatorade and chicken soup those days....

I woke up yesterday morning and things were pretty much back to normal and I could finally start eating real food...even though I wasn't really terribly hungry for much.

This is pretty much the first time I've been sick with something other then a basic cold in years. I hardly ever get sick, but when I do, I get really, really sick.

Thankfully my daughter didn't come down with this, else she would have spent the past few days in the hospital to keep her hydrated. She's just past 10 months old now and she's finally crawling, though she still favors to be standing and doesn't crawl very much.

Why is it so hard for the Government....?

I just can't understand what their thinking is when it comes to the stimulus plan that's intended to put $800 billion worth of cash flow into the economy....

Why not give the money to the people and not to the banks? Assign each person (tax paying person) an account number (or tie it to their SSN). Then when the stimulus package is sent out, every person that receives notice that they are getting X amount of money back, then allow the people to only use the money to pay off debt - car payments, house payments, credit cards, student loans, ect...

All those payments go directly to the banks and on top of it, allow people to help dig themselves out of debt - it's a win-win situation. People get out of debt and banks recoup on outstanding loans...why is this so hard for the Government to understand. If you just funnel money into the banks, it still leaves the everyday tax paying person in the cold - especially the ones that have closed down business and lost homes or recently lost their jobs.

Then again, maybe my vision is skewed and I don't know enough about the situation and how it all really works....To me, it just seems cut and dried to me. You help the people, they turn around and help the banks.

Why the hell would the Government want to give banks bailout money when some of them comment on how they need the extra income to give bonuses to their high end employees? WTF???

I don't get any bonus for doing my day to day job. I get paid for the job I do and that's it. If I feel shafted because I feel I'm not getting paid enough, then I can pick up another job on the side or try to find a better paying job. If these damn fools at some of these banks think they can't live without their high paying bonuses....then you know what? Give me a few moments alone with each of these people and we'll see how much money they want to give back to the banks/people by the time I'm done with them. Yes, you read that right...I said give back.

This greedy, self-centered, egocentric, uncaring and disregard attitude that some of these people hold makes me sick. Yes, it's nice to better one's life for them and their family, but when it impacts the whole country in times like sick f@#&! can roll over and die.

Great news!

The little one is no longer sick! She's 100% and she's letting us know it: constantly talking, moving, bouncing, grabbing at's starting to get hard to keep her in check. Here's a pic of her when she was sick, but in a playful mood....she's also teething, so her cheeks tend to get bright red.

I don't know why, but she loves keyboards. She can't sit on my lap when I'm at the computer anymore because she just bangs on the keyboard non-stop. She also likes when I turn on the program I found that make your keyboard into a piano, so she makes music while she's banging on the keyboard :)

She's so damn cute, even when she's sick!

Surprisingly she was in a well mannered mood the whole time. The only thing she really wanted was to be held, which I don't blame her. Having someone that you know/love being around and helping you out when you're sick, can be a world of difference on your demeanor.

she's got pneumonia...


she's got a small case of pneumonia....should be all cleared up after a few days of medication.

At least she's feeling better now and hopefully she'll sleep better tonight.

Sick baby...

Poor little thing is sick. She's running a low fever and starting to get congested....I held her most of the night and most of the morning today. She's finally at that point where she's too exhausted to resist staying awake and is finally napping. Hopefully she'll get a good 2-3 hour nap in.

I've got a Gerber Baby!

Actually, she's not, but everyone constantly tells the wife and me that she should be one. You'd be hard pressed to find a cuter baby.

This pic was from 2 months ago...and the one below here was about a month ago.

Good news!

After my work's owners got a lot of negative feedback from their employees and after finding out that nearly 3/4 of them would be out of town....

The owners said it would be in their best interest to not be open due to the fact that over half of their stores wouldn't have anyone around to run them on the 26th.

So, things are looking on the up for the time being. Hopefully things keep going well.

I hate my work!

I know that some people consider the word "hate" to be a strong word....well, the matter of the fact is that I have other strong words to use towards my feelings for the owners of the company I work for, but they wouldn't be allowed on the website.

I get in to work this morning about half hour late because of the crappy winter weather and I come to find out that with just about 2 weeks to go before Christmas, the company owner and his two sons decide to be open the day after Christmas! Those sons of female dogs!

I know that this wouldn't have been a problem had they not passed out company calendars to all the store branches and hundreds and hundreds of their customers at the start of the year in January that clearly stated that we would be closed for December 25th and 26th.

Now, more then half of the people that work for the company have plans set up, many of them (including myself) will be out of town on the 26th because we were not expected to be at work that Friday....

What a bunch of BS, if you ask me. I know for a fact that the owner and his two sons are not going to be coming in that Friday the 26th, but they expect their employees to cancel all their holiday plans because at the last second they decided to be open all because our competitor will be open for part of the day on the 26th.

Now, what sense does it make to have the company open for business if we've sent out hundreds and hundreds of calendars to our customers that clearly state we are CLOSED on December 26th?

What a bunch of dumb, stupid arsed mother fers....out of the 12 people (not counting the owner and his two sons) that work at the branch I'm at, 8 of us will be out of town because we all made plans on the fact that we were closed on the 26th of December. Now the owners expect some of us that are going to be out of town (some flying and some driving) to cancel our plans so we can work a day that our customers think we're closed. These owners are dumb as hell! Dumb, dumber and dumbest! Damnit, I'm pissed!