My daughter is just over 20 months old and she's got to be one of most clever kids I've been around. About a month ago she started holding a pen just like any grownup does, between her thumb and first two fingers. She knows almost every letter in the alaphabet, knows numbers 1-10, sings the first part of the alaphabet song....
To top it all off....she's very sneaky.
Also, I swear she points at things that she clearly knows what they are just to ask me "Whats that?" so I have to answer her. She knows what a whale is, she loves this ocean book we have for her and she says "whale" and points to the picture. Then later she smiles at me, points at the whale and asks, "Whats that?". I swear she's toying me just to be toying with me.
Kids are wonderful. They're a great form of entertainment when they're little. She kept the whole family entertained over Christmas with her singing (though we couldn't understand most of what she said) and all her dancing.
Also the other night, my wife gave our daughter her very first drink of pop - 7Up. Her eyes got really wide and she made a goofy face from the carbination and a moment later she was asking for "Sum more?"
Oh well, back to work now that my lunch is over.
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