neatfeatguy's comments

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@metalion: I haven't touched Fallout 76 and I don't plan on it.

On the other hand, I did pick up No Man's Sky when it launched and while it didn't live up to the hype, I enjoyed the game for what it was. A lot....a lot of people bashed the game and requested refunds and so on, but I enjoyed it. I probably sunk 40-50 hours into the game. I got my money's worth from it and I don't regret it.

Don't feel bad if you enjoy the game and others don't. Play it and have fun.

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@ecurl143: What do you expect from people these days? Well thought out, personal reviews or simply an out for them to bitch because they want to feel important?

There are very few actual scores and write-ups from users that actually takes time to explain pros/cons. Most of the entries from players are:

1) Best F'ing game EVER! EVER! All praise the most honorable Bethesda!


2) Worst Fallout EVER! Bethesda is stupid. Bethesda sucks. Where is Fallout 5? Fallout 76 is bad!

Do yourself a favor, ignore all the lovers and haters of the game. Read up on reviews, check out some gameplay footage and decide if the game is good for you or not.

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@sam628: GoG is turning out to be pretty damn good. You're not required by any means, whatsoever, to utilize their Galaxy software to run your games. But you can use it to keep games updated, friends list and so on if you wish.

I'd much rather make use of GoG Galaxy over Steam. I mean, look at the bloatware Steam is cramming into their software. The latest updates to the Friends/Chat portion of the program broke a lot of stuff and looks like ass and also runs like crap at times. They have patched it a good bit, but there are still bugs that need to be worked out.

Steam is getting ugly, in my opinion. I guess we see where it goes from here.

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I enjoyed GTA III - it was decent enough. San Andreas sucked and the other GTA games after that weren't really any better. That being said:

I tried RDR when it released. I picked up a copy because I enjoyed GTA III. After putting a solid 10 hours into RDR, I was bored. The controls were clunkly, the graphics weren't that great, the story wasn't anything to write home about. It was basically a GTA game modeled to the wild west. All cars were replaced with horses that didn't control well (controls always felt a little laggy - input a command and it wasn't an immediate response) and it was just a slower, blander game.

I'm kind of surprised at the hype RDR2 has been making because it's almost a decade since the original was released. There is a whole generation of gamers that have grown up that never played RDR (maybe never even heard of it) and they're into games such as Fortnite, Destiny (if people still play the games), PUBG and other such games....I just don't see how these kids would be interested in RDR2. It feels like RockStar waited too long to get a sequal/pre-quel/ or whatever this game is supposed to be out to the public.

Maybe I'll be shown wrong and the game will actually be good. If it doesn't come out on PC, though, I'll never know since I haven't purchased a console since PS2 - I won a PS3 in a raffle, otherwise I never would have purchased one nor tried the first RDR.

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Edited By neatfeatguy


catch the video there on youtube

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What game play? They showed the intro of the game and some random mobs with clunky attack animations hitting the player.

If I wanted a world I could roam without the possibility of finding anyone else and to take on some random creatures, I'd pick a planet on No Man's Sky and play that as I built a base.

What's the point of a an open world game that's void of NPCs.....7 Days to Die? Even then, at least in 7DtD you can interact with a vendor NPC....

I guess I fail to understand the point of the game, other than to tie the FallOut franchise name to it. Maybe I'm jumping the gun here, but at this point from what I've seen I'll be avoiding the game. Maybe I'll be proven wrong and it will actually be something good. I guess only time will tell.

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Looks like they kind of mashed up the new Doom game play (run around, fast paced arena-type shooting) with the original Rage game.

I didn't care much for the new Doom - felt like a newer graphical looking Painkiller/Serious Sam game. The atmosphere was lame and the constant running in circles to avoid getting hit and shooting got old, fast.

Rage, it was an okay game. It was a bit repetitive, the driving was okay and the gun play was decent enough. The story....I don't remember the story, so I guess it wasn't anything memorable.

If they can combine the better aspect of the new Doom (big fun guns and explosions) with the better aspects of Rage (decent driving and open world) it could shape up to be a decent enough game.

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Edited By neatfeatguy

From the skimming I did in the review, what really turns me off would be the tethered aspect of co-op. Any other game I've played co-op the others can go where they want, when they want.

What's the point in being forced to play next to each other? What is this - 1987 where you're forced to stay together on the same screen in Contra so you don't fall off some ledge you no longer can see?

Could you imagine playing 7 Days to Die and you have to stay next to each other?

Or maybe playing Saints Row 2/3/4 and you can't go out on your own and have to stay near to each other?

Or maybe the Borderlands series (granted you couldn't leave a map without the other members of your group, but you could go anywhere on that map without being teleported back to the host).

Or how about How To Survive 2?

Or maybe Dying Light? Could you imaging trying to climb up on a building and mid climb you're teleported back to the host because you got too far away from them?

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The end where all those zombies are on her tail and she just does a bunch of ducks/dodges to keep getting away......stupid.

What combat they did show all the zombies she used her melee weapon on had almost the same results: swing > hit, swing > left arm cut off, swing > right arm cut off, swing > hit, swing > head cut off.

Just hoping the game shifts from the stupid Xbox and Win 10 only to allowing Win 7, otherwise it'll just be another game I don't play. Plus, I don't want anything to do with the Windows Store. I'd much rather get a copy of the game off Steam or GoG....hell, I'd even prefer to buy it off Uplay or Origin over the Windows Store.

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Curious as to what it may be. My younger brother is a big Sam Fisher/Splinter Cell fan and he might really be interested to see what this may bring to Wildlands now that we both picked up a copy of the game.