Any game that can make use of more than 4 cores should be handled fairly well by your FX 8350 - though these games are far and few between. The IPC between the FX and the Phenom II are almost negligible (good example: fx 4300 vs PII x4 980 with similar clocks - ).
With that said, I moved from a Phenom II x4 940 @ 3.6 to a stock i5-4670k (no overclock) and I had very impressive performance increase in all games. I posted a blog ( showing the gaming performance between a couple of games on the PII x4 940 @ 3.6 vs the 4670k stock.
I've seen people say there's little difference between FX and Intel for most gaming needs, but hands down, if you built a FX based gaming computer recently over a i5/i7 Haswell or newer Intel, you are just holding yourself back. I'm hoping Zen comes in and makes a great difference on AMD's side so when you actually build a computer with Zen or Intel, you'll have a similar performing gaming system.
In a few years, I'd like to be able to have a choice between AMD or Intel for a CPU that gives quality performance in my next build. But, at the moment, Intel is the better choice.
Logan and John Wick 2 are the only ones coming out that I'm really interested in.
I've enjoyed most of the Marvel movies, but they're wearing thin on me and the last Captain America movie, feels like they tried way too hard to make everyone hate each other to create a civil war between them. I'm not sure if I'll bother catching the new Thor in theather.
I disliked the Guardian of the Galaxy and I'm kind of shocked they're making a second one (not really since it did well at the box office).
The Force Awakens......for me, it ranks up there with (but just ever so slightly better than) Episodes 1, 2 & 3. Only reason I'll see this one is because my 8 year old daughter is fascinated with the last movie and she wants to see this one.
Wonder Woman - her story, I thought, had no real place in Batman Vs Superman, it felt really forced. I can't see her stand alone movie doing anything good for the DC lineup.
Planet of the Apes.....another franchise that astounds me that it keeps having movies made.
The new Spider-Man....I guess I wouldn't mind seeing this. Spider-Man has always entertained me, even the ones with Toby (except #3, that one was bad)
Any others from the list, I'm just not interested in or if I do see them, it'll be after they release to DVD
I picked up a copy of the game when it was dirt cheap last time a big sale came along on Steam - I played for about 3 hours on it and was terribly bored. Boring story, gameplay lacked in puzzle design and the boat sailing was - for lack of a better word - retarded.
If one day I'm truly bored and have nothing else to play, I might try the game again. I'd say the score is pretty much on par. It looks decent enough, but looking okay isn't enough to make a game good.
@kljvoph: Same reason you feel the need to comment about someone's comment. If you care not for a comment, it seems like a waste of time to read all of it and then even more wasteful to reply to it. Then again, maybe you enjoy doing such wasteful tasks just so you can put your words out there for everyone else to read about your boring piece of personal info.
I tried hard to get into RDR on PS3 when it came out and I couldn't do it. Just a GTA game on horses and was just as boring. To those that enjoyed RDR, hopefully the second one will be just as entertaining for you. It'll just be another game that I do not plan on getting.
@captainwonton: It depends on the game and the developer. If a game is released on Steam, yes, online activation is required to successfully install the game and launch it while you're online. After the first launch of the game, you can go into OFFLINE mode for Steam and play the game without internet connection (unless it's a MMO that requires internet connection, like WoW for example). Same thing pretty much applies with Ubisoft's UPlay and EA's Origin.
Games you purchase off a site such as, they don't require any activation. There are no types of DRM tied to the games sold on GoG. You pay for the game, download it and once it's downloaded you can disconnect your internet and still install and play the game.
@dodgers0022: That's damn impressive on the languages. I've learned around 250 words total in Korvax (probably around 100) and Ve'keen (closer to 150), but I'm not fluent in either language. I've just come into the Gek. I'm planning on going back and fleshing out the rest of Ve'keen and Korvax to be fluent.
I need to mine more, I need a better ship. The 19 slot ship I have isn't cutting it by any means and the few crashed ships I've found are only 20 slot and the ones with 24+ slots I can try to buy are 2mil+ and I'm only half way to that amount. My exosuit, I think I have 16 inventory slots on it - hoping I can find more because I never have enough space.
I love just running and jetpacking across the terrain. So much to see and find. I haven't become bored of the game and I've put maybe 20 hours into it. I play a couple hours at a time when I can.
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