@Poodger: I'm not saying it doesn't work the way it is. It'd just be way more popular and fun if it had straight progression. It doesn't necessarily need a story or much of one. Just progress. Don't take away from the user what they've already gained. There's a reason these types of games aren't make anymore. They're archaic. The devs can make whatever they want. But I'm sure they like money too. And judging by the sales, they really could've gone in a different direction.
Grim Fandango/The Sims better than Baldur's Gate 1/2? I think not. To this day people are playing BG. Who cares about GF anymore? Point and click. Really.
Instead of "rogue-lite", I would've rather played "zelda or gta in space". Would been much more fun of an experience. Of course the game would have to be much bigger. Take longer, more resources to do. I'm just saying if I was the dev, that's what I would have done. Hands down.
@Poodger: I guess there's a reason why games aren't made like this anymore. Most people would rather play something where you're making continual progress. I'd love to see an "adventure"/continual progression version of this game. I think that would really sell. Another recent example is Galak-Z. It could have been "Zelda is space". That sounds amazing. Instead we got that...
Sony will never accept ms's "invitation" nor should they. This is just a failed attempt by ms to look good. If you know anything about the history of the computer industry you'll know that ms will try to find a way to screw Sony over. I wouldn't trust Bill Gates to pet my dog.
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