All EA employees do it to themselves... if you don't want to be overworked and underpaid, simple. Just DON'T WORK FOR EA. Belief in a a solution, will pave the way to a solution. The mind is a powerful thing.
People complaining about this review are insane. Games are generally overrated especially by that other site that constantly overrates games called IGN. Screw that. Hold games to high standards, congrats Gmaespot. The only respectable site that actually does. Well done.
I can tell you all exactly what's wrong with the industry. And it goes something along the lines of what Phil Spencer said. Large Publishers want to churn out the same old garbage on an annual basis. There has been very little evolution in gameplay in most genres. The RTS has seen very little advancement. We should be able to do much more with less or more intuitive input but instead we got AOE3 which took a step backwards. The Wii is a step in the right direction. It has nothing to do with what gamers want. Could anyone have anticipated the success of a Wii-like input system? I doubt that. It's what kicks ass. Make something that'll kick ass and they will come. Develop your storyline. Make it real. Add emotion. Make the game not just a game but an emotional experience. LIke a great movie or novel. We need more games like that. Too are working in the game industry with too little talent or are overworked...
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