The Wii U isn't successful because having a second screen to look at isn't as immediate as flinging around a controller and it gives the player something else to focus on other than the TV screen. It's also not as social, the additional screen takes you away from others in the room. All people want is an updated Wii. People have been wanting an updated version of Wii tennis forever and Nintendo didn't deliver. Jokes on you, Nintendo.
This is obviously a piece of farcial click bait. Controversial topic? No it's not. 60fps obviously looks and feels better. Makes a big difference especially for sports games.
It would be nice if Sony would focus more on one project at a time. Put all your resources into one thing, get it out FAST and make it great, similar to what Rockstar does, then go on to the next thing. This game should have been out 2 years ago. If it comes out for PS4 though, that would be great.
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