@dryvlyne: ps4 pro is really good compared to 4k on a pc. It's only the framerate that hold it back,but I'm perfectly fine with 30fps but then I'm also fine with 1080p hell even 720p.lol Recently hdr has really blown me away. It's amazing how much better a game can look with a bigger color palette.
@Marky360: Marky don't tell anyone and I never said this but if you like old school games every once in awhile try the nesbox. It's a website html app. I'm not legally sure what it does and can't legally recommend it.lol A quick Google search will give more details. Just another option on xb1.
@MAXTHUNDER99: I feel you but it's always been this way. People will always recommend one console over another. They used to do recommend the ps4 over the xb1. I bet a good chunk of ps4 console were sold only because the sales reps initially trashed the xb1.
@Berserk8989: speak for yourself. When was the last time a game was shipped and didn't need a day 1 patch. You've been buying unfinished games for years now.
@thedarklinglord: this game is a lot of fun. It's better to beta test a game and help get it done or to a near finished state. Or is it better to get an unfinished game have it patched then never worked on again. At least the first route you can give feedback on the things you don't like. But I do understand your point of view.
@spirewalk: you don't even know what you are talking about. What more would they need to finish for this game to be playable. It was 100 percent playable last year. Compared to other games like no man's sky this game was complete in 2015.
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