@xfrgtr: your talking about shipped consoles I'm talking about sales. In 2014 at e3 ps3 reported 83 million consoles sold microsoft reported 84. I don't know buddy are you going to believe sony or a fan boy article?
@xfrgtr: yeah they had a bad console, they're still down by 20 million in america. Sny did ship more consoles than 360 but did not officially out sell it after the current gen consoles were announced and released. So yes they lost since they were up on sales for 6 plus years.
@dreue: dude all those games are boring as hell. Don't tell me you still play uncharted 4? It's boring,and bb is a souls clone the last guardian is annoying the other two are just bad. Find a better example of good games.
@Jimbowesker: Sony actually is faster at letting us know that the beat xbox in America. The Ndp group hasn't even released any official numbers it only Sony that is running around spreading the rumor. I'm sorry but they both do the same things. What happened last gen after sony knew it had lost the console wars? the Ceo retired. They are a prideful group that doesn't care about its consumers.
@philip6k: 70 bucks for a ps3 console and game. Exactly why pay to do something on one console if another already does it for free. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
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