@computernoises: that would be true if sony was having bad sale numbers. Ps4 just sold 2 million consoles in a few days. That's the best ever for black friday. Ps4 sales aren't slowing down and less than half a million people were actually waiting for the pro. The fact is that xbox sales have gone up and are staying up. That's why it is beating sony in certain markets not because sony sales are down.
@Keitha313: I've been playing games in 4k for years now. I was born with more money than you will earn in your lifetime. Just because consoles are better to play on it doesn't mean that it's for peasants. Get out of here you poser, stop acting like you can play.
I bet you anything that my projector is more expensive than your pc build. Bwahahahahahahahahaha.
@CallMeDuraSouka: I know what you mean. I try to play on every console. It's so hard to manage. Lately it's just been ps pro and xbox for me just to keep it simple. When the switch comes out I'll be able to play at work!!!!!!
90% of the time I'm at work it's downtime. Now it's going to be Nintendo time.
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