@sellingthings: just buy a hdd. Xbox already has that but if you are a delaystation player then just upgrade you hdd. So what if it loads a little slower. Games have been loading slow forever. Member ps1? They took forever to load but it was a blast. Ps1 and ps2 were beast after that idk what happened .
@scooby_dooo: hey i just want a good game to play.
I was also just kidding Mariconmon was having fun trolling so I just joined in. I talked trash about xb and ps pro but I love them both and I have nothing bad to say about Nintendo.
@howthegodzkill: they wont slow down until he end of the year in fact it's about to start selling faster than it has all year with black friday around the corner and christmas.
In the end sony will sell more though so don't worry.
@sticktaler36: they said that 20 years ago when Napster was a thing. Musicians still put out cds even vinyl records. I can see it happening in 30 years but not anytime soon.
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