Gamescom will soon come upon us and I bet this will be the time Guerrilla reveals the mp for KZ Shadow Fall. Â What do you hope they include? Â What features of KZ2 and KZ3 mp do you wish they keep or get rid of? Â Shadow Fall has alot to prove if its gonna battle BF4 at PS4 launch.
neomatrix909's forum posts
I do and i cancelled my pre-order of Crackdown 2 at Gamestop and bought a MS points for Blacklight Tango Down. Sorry
Why in the hell would you buy Blacklight Tango Down instead of Alan Wake?
hmmm $15 for an arcade game that has alot of content or a FLOP???? not hard to decide
Have you played Crackdown 2?
Nope reviews said it all for me, exactly like Crackdown 1 which i just beat recently. I just can't do the same thing over and over again which is expected with Crackdown 2.
I know right! A fun game, a downright fun game is just too much.
Also, since you have played the first Crackdown, lets get a gamertag. So I can see how much of the first you have played.
add me GT: xewndar86
Have you played Crackdown 2?
Nope reviews said it all for me, exactly like Crackdown 1 which i just beat recently. I just can't do the same thing over and over again which is expected with Crackdown 2.
I don't even believe you have a 360..I do and i cancelled my pre-order of Crackdown 2 at Gamestop and bought a MS points for Blacklight Tango Down. Sorry
360 is lacking in the exclusives department and so were only left with there "awesome" games like Crackdown 2 and Ninety Nine Nights 2 which are trash.
Have you played Crackdown 2?
Nope reviews said it all for me, exactly like Crackdown 1 which i just beat recently. I just can't do the same thing over and over again which is expected with Crackdown 2.
360 is lacking in the exclusives department and so were only left with there "awesome" games like Crackdown 2 and Ninety Nine Nights 2 which are trash. All you 360 fans say is "wasn't hyped so not a flop". Well...excuse us while we point and laugh at you that 360 has nothing this year to hype! After Splinter Cell Conviction and Alan Wake flopped 360 is the biggest disappointment this year (cherry on top is Kinect @ E3). Soo sad and pathetic that since January, you 360 fans have to wait until September for your Halo Reach to get your first real AAAE title ( sorry Mass Effect 2 was on PC). Wow 9 months of waiting.
another 360 FLOP. WOW 360 fans have to wait til September to get there first Exclusive AAA title? Sorry Mass Effect 2 was on PC also but if thats your only game , then ill let you count it....
cant wait to read all the "nobody hyped this game" which is sad then cause this whole year so far for exclusive 360 games have been FLOPS. Sorry Mass Effect 2 was on PC, but if thats your only game then sure I'll give it to you. SO i guess 360 fans have to wait til September to finally get a AAA title thats EXCLUSIVE to 360? Im sure REACH will be AAA but WOW had to wait till September...PS3 wins
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