wheres the cheapest place/website where i can buy a replacement ac adapter for my HP laptop? i dont wanna spend $60 bucks on the official HP website. please if you can help let me know
neomatrix909's forum posts
Demon Souls is the best RPG out right now and if ME2 is as good then good for 360 fans since all there RPG's suck. At least Sony RPG's get better reviews or better versions of 360's lame rpg's. Demon Soul's had no hype around it and it blew everyone away, so much hype around ME2 that it has a good chance of failing
im sorry but Sony is gonna release White Knight Chronicles to counter ME2. Bioware is releasing RPG's all single player where you have 3 team mates yet no multiplayer! WKC will feature 4 player co-op rpg gameplay which will begin the PS3 mmorpg style games.
Since Black Friday i now own both systems and switch off playing MW2 on 360 and Killzone 2 on PS3 slim, took me awhile to get used to PS3 controls again cause i used to own it when it first came out and been playing non stop Killzone 2 but everytime i go back for MW2 on 360 i forget how the controls work and the fast pace. Anyone else have this problem switching off to different systems?
Xbox 360. I think that 360 hasn't been maxed out. It's GPU is more powerful than PS3's GPU :)BloodSeeker1337dont make me laugh, 360 maxed out at Gears 2 and even Gears 2 wasn't a huge leap from Gears 1 and Mass Effect. Nothing in 2010 for 360 stands out, Alan Wake did last year but PS3 surpassed that with Killzone 2 and Uncharted. PS3 will continue to max out with GOW3 and Heavy Rain
without a doubt GOTY confirmed. Uncharted to was the most beautiful game and had a great stroy mode, the multiplayer was good too. MW2 was ok story but perfect multiplayer. this makes it 2 years in a row for PS3. GOTY!!!!
MW2 is a perfect FPS. it will be played for years to come, sell more than any other game. it deserves a 9. this game actually lives up to the hype unlike the over rated games like Halo and Gears. I was disappointed by how short it is but it left me wanting more. Come to think of it all FPS story modes are short and it focuses on multiplayer mainly. AGAIN, BEST FPS
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